Slpn, you are only offering up half assed knowledge. Serioulsy, no offense. Just saying.
Thorne, we spoke earlier of your snake predicament. Spidey's mentioned some of the stuff I did. Like I said, if everything was fine (I still felt even a larger tank would've been better. And just for some peoples info, the store he bought it from wanted him to keep it in a 10gal enclosure where the snake could reach the bulb etc. Fuckin ridiculous. I don't trust that place and that's not the only reason.) Watch for possible parasite infections. (Hard to do know unless you autopsy the damn thing.) I still think the rats were larger than they needed to be and I don't like feeding frozen food at all. Get a live one and if you still want, knock that bastard out and then feed the snake.
Let's wait to see what the store says and if it's shit or not as I haven't agreed with hardly a damn thing they said which is why I walked out the store that night.