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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. I'm fairly certain the Slavic language has proven we don't really need vowels.
  2. "I think of them as little puzzles," my Post editor K.C. Summers once said..." haha I uttered these exact words to Norm and Candis last weekend after one of your texts.
  3. Sounds like a night spent with an ex girlfriend....
  4. The bottom of my shoes are flat, so flat, you fool.
  5. Nice job, man. Only caught the first few minutes (gotta head out) but saved to finish watching later.
  6. What a damn hassle. I'm irritated as shit and it's not even my truck.
  7. Fucking awesome, man. Love it.
  8. Fucks sake. It never ceases to amaze me the complete lack of pride and detail people have at their jobs, whatever it may be. I completely appalled at what people consider "passable" these days.
  9. That's awesome, man. I loved cross country when I was younger. Never ran a marathon but did some massive bike runs. At this point, even though I'm 40 as well, I've destroyed my back and knees and don't think I could run a marathon without my body going into full protest. And that's if I were even in shape to run more than a mile. haha At least I stopped smoking damn cigs 3yrs ago. Congratulations.
  10. I'm fairly certain if the head of VAG hears their customer fawning over a Fiat product they'll take his VW's away.
  11. ImUrOBGYN


    One of those saved my ass not too long ago. Had to borrow from the neighbor though.
  12. Nice buy. Not sold on the Enkeis you currently have in mind, though. Good luck finding some shoes.
  13. Here ya go, OP. A 250cc middle finger to the government shutdown "As absurd as this whole “government shutdown” thing is, there’s a silver lining. Our nation’s national parks are, for the most part, now vacant. If you have the means, the determination, and the willingness to risk a brush with law enforcement, you can enjoy our protected lands as they’re rarely viewed: without flocks of tourists spoiling the experience." Cont. http://www.roadandtrack.com/features/web-originals/a-2013-honda-crf250l-middle-finger-to-the-shutdown
  14. This. I'll be going for a cruise Friday. I plan on hitting up Wayne National on the trip. I won't be doing a lot of off roading, but I won't be letting this shit stop me from doing what I will.
  15. Nice video save. Lambo driver really looked like he was speeding. Whether the Corolla driver has no sense of their surrounding or terrible judgement, this would've been different had they not been speeding. Both idiots = both paying the price. Also, isn't the second Lambo in as many weeks that got into an accident and broke in half? I mean, as long as the cabin is good I guess.
  16. Looking good, man. And I'm still keeping you in mind for that lower I/C pipe I need made. I've just gotta list of other priorities at the moment. Hell, wouldn't know how to get it to you anyway. You'd have to visit me. Been doing some welding myself, (getting pretty decent), but no experience with aluminum.
  17. Yes, he should stop it. What he described above is 10x better than an old f'n Lightning. :gabe:
  18. Holy shit, I was just thinking the same thing.
  19. Lay off the lady. Perhaps she's not into Bingo. Everyone needs a hobby. Apparently, her hobby is raging at you.
  20. On second thought, yes.
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