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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. Good point. haha I will say this thread has me thinking I'll purchase my next TV from Costco.
  2. I think he's saying it seems a bit morally off. Me personally? You're talking to somebody who bought a window a/c unit, used it for a few days, and returned it. I mean, you'd never know it was used at all, but still. If you can do it, by all means, I guess go for it. Just knock Jeffro off your right shoulder.
  3. ...and his sister will feel slightly ripped and neither will learn a lesson.
  4. Looking good, man. Excited for ya.
  5. Argh... I'll be in St Louis this weekend. However, I will be indoor karting at the same time you guys are!
  6. If I don't goto St. Louis that weekend, I think I'll join in. Hope to find out for sure soon.
  7. As far as new, available for purchase and off the top of my head: To me, the Pagani Huarya and the Morgan 3-wheeler are unorthodox and appealing.
  8. This is a very tiny example of an ant mound. Here's another example of a dug out mound. This one was filled with concrete. I don't recall what species of ant or too much detail as it's been so long. Keep in mind that there are currently existing super-colonies of the Argentine ant that are so big they literally cross borders. They are capable of multiple queen mounds/societies, much like the imported fire ant, which gives them the ability to become so large.
  9. Weren't there some recalls or even extended warranties issued for the auto trans on this gen? I'm sure it's probably too late now, but worth looking into. Good luck.
  10. 16 and 10yrs probation? He's never gonna make it...
  11. True, but I still don't understand why the naked pics were necessary.
  12. This. I'll keep this in mind, too. I live near Clime and 270 on the SW side. Anyone know of anything around there? I found a little car wash on 3 closer to Clime, but it's just a regular self-serve. I wonder if the new Turkey Hill on Clime and Georgesville has the underside sprayer.
  13. Does anyone know of any auto washes that spray the underside of the car? The drive thru car wash on Sandusky in Delaware had a very high pressure under-car sprayer that I loved using in the winter to get ice and salt cleaned out with hot water. Kept me from having to get out and on my knees with a sprayer. No pun intended.
  14. And in a mid engine, to boot. That'll rotate quick if you're not careful. Or if you drive a ff daily and your hand is on the parking brake the entire drive. tee hee
  15. Goddammit, he bumped the old thread. Please delete.
  16. I have over a half foot of snow covering my back deck now. Not a drift, mind you.
  17. ImUrOBGYN

    Friday 12/6

    I'm up for anything more down south. Doc's is a little ways to go for me, now. I'm going out later after most of the shite driver's are in for the night, either way.
  18. C'mon, cmon, cmon.... Ok, let's say it dumps a few inches. Anyone have a giant parking lot or similar planned out to meet for some snow fun and/or races? It looks like the south may actually get hit harder than the north side for once.
  19. This statement indicated you have been eating snow that isn't white. No! No! Stop it.
  20. I don't think I ever really heard what it sounded like. You have any kind of silencer to put on it for driving around town if you really needed to? lol I remember how I lost mine for the Supra. You shouldn't mash it when one's installed. :gabe:
  21. Oh, yeah. Pic #13. Everyone's standing in front of the Vibe. Admiring it and jellying over it, I'm sure.
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