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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. What does sanding the wheels do? It would seem it would create more friction. Or does it actually keep the full width of the wheel from touching the surface (Rides on the raised sanded area so less surface area touching the racing surface)? I can see it working that way since they're just tiny, light cars.
  2. What's really important here is not that someone replaced our Tim with a pod person, but that he was beat up by Chris and Jones. Jones is already on my shit list for picking on the elderly.
  3. Took a look at my pics and vids last night, but most of them are not great resolution. I have no idea how my pic res got switched to such a low res, but whatevs. Everything is in 3D and high res when you're there. Who knows, I may upload a couple later but I'm betting people can see a lot better elsewhere. Great weekend. Much hotter than it was originally supposed to be. Especially, Sunday. Shit, I wish I'd brought some shorts. haha Be interesting to see and hear the difference next year in the cars.
  4. Yo dog, thow some daytons on that and add me sum stance. E'en gotta basket for my smartphone. Full disclosure: Thought you were going to bust out a Cialis ad or one of those testosterone ads they keep targeting me with. How do they know?! :fuuuu:
  5. Just turned the ripe, old age of 40.
  6. This is a massive pet peeve of mine. If they don't have someone to go thru them weekly and fix issues, it's a waste of time to me. It's not hard.
  7. Gotcha. Watched program a long time ago and one of the things covered was a hydrophobic nano-tech based on... it escapes me. It was a show about tech derived from what we've learned about animals. Can't recall what animal it was. Hell, I almost feel like Richard Hammond may've narrated.
  8. I do. But tanks have always held an interest for me. The weirder the better and the French were well known for their weird engineering, even now with autos.
  9. If you watch the whole vid, from the second angle it appears the Honda got out in front early and is then reeled in somewhat towards the end. You can see the Honda had the lower trap but the faster time by .02 seconds.
  10. He's a danger to everyone and himself. He should've been tazed.
  11. I'm betting it's a type of silicone spray. Great for fabrics, leather boots, etc. for obvious reasons. It's not going to hurt you unless you multi-coated your whole body and even then, only if you never took it off. I bet you could swim like a motherfucker, though. haha And if you paid attention in chemistry, Shane, then yes, oil based products will probably break it down quickly.
  12. Well, shit, there ya go! And it'll peel right off when you're ready... and when you're not.
  13. Note to self: Leaves wallet and checkbook in car.
  14. We had a good inch here at least. Course, most of that is gone now and there was no real way to enjoy it without tearing up my backyard. lol
  15. Wouldn't my CoD skills transfer? On a serious note, just fyi, those tanks are French. Renault FT's, I believe. It was considered one of the most revolutionary and influential tank designs in history.
  16. Well, minus the unnecessary hassle, I'm glad things got taken care of.
  17. Right? Blinding the shit outta people. Yet, you can't have dim neons on your car or lighted license plate frames, or lighted washer squirters on your hood but that's ok. (Not that I want those things, just saying.)
  18. Agreed. As the article stated, I'm sure it helped people seemed fed up with the current admin's abilities, but to purposely mislead the people... You're right, though. Just another fine example of our political system at work. No sense being surprised, though. No matter how great the system we come up with, no matter what that system is for, we will twist and manipulate it into something deformed and detrimental because "assholes".
  19. Between all the car magz, the mailers, and the emailers, plus the ones my gf brings from her work; I have endless amounts of coupons. Problem is, I go there for one thing but between all the cheap ass shit and coupons, I spend just as much money if I had gone elsewhere. haha Well, not really, but you get my point. There's so much cheap shit that's fine being cheap to buy.
  20. They make stereo face plates that are made to appear like someone has already ripped it out. You can also buy static stickers for your windows that make them look broken already. Ok, not really sure about the last one, but it sounds like a decent enuf idea. lol What a bout a visible paper on the back window that says something along the lines of "Car empty of valuables. Car next to me possibly has cash."
  21. I hope the parents feels like shit for a long time to come. This is ultimately their fault for raising a fool. 1. For using the police force to reprimand and correct your child. That's your fucking job, not everyone elses. 2. For not raising your child right in the first fucking place and it leading to this.
  22. Congratulations, man. Good size baby. My daughter was just over 21in, too. Couple pounds lighter, though. I don't recall my length (heheh) but I was 10lb 9oz. My daughter just turned 19 in August, though. Luckily, she now sleeps through the night and no longer needs changing.
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