The Angora I believe is another one.
Couldn't find anything about allergies and the Angora though I fairly certain my uncle had one for that reason. I did come across this. There were many links I saw with a quick google search if you get interested in low-allergen breeds.
Thank you.
There's always been an issue with lead bullets or any kind of projectile including bb's and pellets. (I don't even think you can get those in lead anymore)
Seriously, if you don't understand why lead is an issue, then you need to educate yourself. There's no fuckin conspiracy to take your firearms or ammo away. The lead has a negative impact on the environment and in no time at all, nobody will give two shits about it if it's gotten rid of. Hell, we'll even have more lead to use in other things.
Oh, and implying that it's ok because batteries harm the environment and people use those is a ridiculous cop-out and you know it. lol
Glad you went with no cat. Even as an outdoor, your allergies will act up. Not to mention the negative affects that outdoor and stray cats have on the environment. I know most will think I'm sounding like an enviromental hippie, but with a little research, you'd be amazed at their destruction, especially in some areas.
Inside is fine. I personally love cats. My gf is allergic to them, as well. She has to pop a Benadryl whenever we go somewhere with a cat/s.
Wasn't able to head out last night. Had to take gf to Urgent Care. Anyone live on the SW side who can help move a very heavy TV known to attack those who carry it?
Bwhaha, that reminds me of a pic of a riced out, yellow MR2 Spyder you and I spent a partial morning here altering on CR. No penis on it, though. It was a step away from a masterpiece.
Anyone heading up tonight? I haven't even been since it moved locations. Shit, I'm not even 100% sure if I remember where the old CC is. haha Give me something to do.
Reminds me of this Stop sign I found out in the middle of nowhere just cruising one day.
Oh, and this road sign on the south end of Delaware on 23 coming home one night from a cruise.
The Odyssey (newer ones) and the Sienna are hard to beat. That Sienna will burn many a ricer for a merge, too and will still get excellent milage. I can't imagine you'd ever get under 20 considering we get no lower than 22-23 city only driving with huge all terrains on the RAV. (Same engine, obviously.)
Best thing you can do is go out and test drive what you're looking for. You can rape the internet all day, but don't forget, you gotta get out there for that final decision.
Nice. Part of my punishments growing up almost always involved hard labor. Probably a bit more than these two are in for, but still an excellent alternative to a damn 'time out', etc.
How many of you have criminal backgrounds and experience dealing with this? I ask since some of you are so damn sure of yourselves. :gabe:
She is going to have to accept that even when she gets a job, it'll probably be a shitty one and if she uses a service that helps her, she'll probably be treated second class at the job simply becuz of her record.
She does have options, however. Hell, generally the state offers programs for those with felonies.
Makes sense given newer cars are practically riddled with sensors for speed, rev, slip angle, wheel speed, wheel angle, etc, but takes some of the human element and panache out of it. I'm all for fairness, though.