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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. How will they memoralize the fish at Long John's? You can't even tell that shit from the chicken!
  2. I don't care for the human roadside memorials. I don't need to be reminded of the fish and this is coming from someone who'd rather convince the ants they don't want inside my home as opposed to killing them.
  3. 50k seems like far too long though it obviously ultimately depends on your driving conditions, etc. If it looks dirty, clean it. Just do it right and if it is an oil filter, DO NOT OVER OIL. You can always add more if you need to. This is why the oil filters get bad names. People not reoiling properly.
  4. This is one of the most ignorant things I've heard today. Where's this perfect world you're living in?
  5. Now, that sounds about right. As for many of you, apparently the cost of freedom is much lower than others. For example, saying you don't agree with it but you understand and accept it is a price you've just paid to give up your freedom.
  6. You may purchase any tickets you like including student tickets. However, if you are not a student, they must be "upgraded", for lack of a better term, to "normal" tickets that you may use legally. We're going to the game this weekend and had to pay I believe $20 a ticket to make them usable for us non-students. Anyway, check into it to be sure. GL
  7. The article concerning this has been up on Jalopnik at least the last couple days. (Jalopnik is currently down since last night, however.)
  8. They let the site go. Long story. Fuck it.
  9. Unfortunately. haha Was hoping to host another meet this year, but it never happened. Maybe, next year.
  10. Figured it'd be Clear Station that bought them out. That = an immediate death penalty on any radio I own.
  11. I'll double check later to be sure, but I believe it has been confirmed as a 2014 model(Subaru). It will be a direct injection turbo. Supposedly, it won't be using the hybrid injection system currently in use. Rumors of around 280hp and that it WILL NOT be the BRZ STI leaving room for an even further upgraded model I would assume.
  12. I wonder how often they have to check that thing for integrity. Especially, since it's a train bridge.
  13. I'm just going to carry a leaf blower around...
  14. Finally lost it at approx. 4:45. I almost feel sorry for him.
  15. As suggested, call the city and find out for sure. Regulations/laws vary from city to city and some cities have some pretty hefty fines that can go along with anything car repair related. And Evan, I'm not sure it's good passing advice along based off an experience where you got quite lucky from when you were 16. I lived in cities where that would net you quite a sizable fine. All depends on the city/community and then of course, on the enforcing officer(s).
  16. I get this very badly in either side and often both at the same time. I'll have huge knots that will accompany the pain. It can become very debilitating. Occasionally, it'll be so bad, the pain goes through to the front of my body and I can't breathe worth a shit for a few days due to the pain. I've got a shitload of back problems I've had for years.
  17. bwhahaha Now, that's some seriously good shit there.
  18. Just waking up to a new day pisses my old ass off.
  19. Ahhh. :gabe: It's obviously a joke. I did straight miss the origin even though I read through it. lol I'm going with the it was late and I wasn't feeling well excuse. Oh, and Cordell, the guy in the article still probably has more sense than you. Also, I thought you people didn't like the word "retard"? I guess it's ok if you use it. Nevermind.
  20. Girl, nine, in Halloween costume shot after being mistaken for a skunk. :gabe: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2221094/Girl-shot-mistaken-skunk-Halloween-costume.html#ixzz2A0DaDFHW
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