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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. This vid is not real. Pretty good, though. haha They are incredibly strong for their weight, though.
  2. Haters. What's the point of having a boat anchor in the front if you don't have the paddle wheels to drive it into the water?
  3. Crazy. Not the first time someone's child has been attacked, either. !st time I've seen this vid, though.
  4. Crazy. Too bad there aren't better pics. Will have to keep an eye out. Whereabouts was this at?
  5. Slower than the RAV... Absolutely JEEP LOL ...and I like some Jeep. But it needs to race offroad, perhaps.
  6. That might stop some of you younger folk but a few of us are from the time before cupholders. Oh, and then there's this: http://blu.stb.s-msn.com/i/3C/34C674EBE1B0D076A3C4582B6022B0_h300_w400_m2_bblack_q100_p100_cvpxyJJyT.jpg
  7. I cannot remember offhand. Yeah, I tried looking it up that way, as well. Came up empty. I know it's not malware. Double checked, long story. Anyway, it's a legitimate file, ie; not malware in this case. I just don't recall which program needs it. Windows tells me it's missing after each startup. Not a big deal and at this point, I haven't had any real issues with it missing. Just bugs me is all.
  8. lol Got to this pic and thought, "Brian had to have posted this." Scrolled back up and sure as shit... in a shower, it was you. Also, I laughed pretty hard at the epic rap battle between Santa and Moses.
  9. Anyone have this dll file? I deleeteled it on accident. aghci.dll It's location: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\aghci.dll I've been unable to locate it online and can't find the windows cd to search on there. Anyone have it or have an idea on where to find it? Thanks.
  10. I can see it making me jump... and then pounding it. As long as I can remember, my reaction to things I'm afraid of are to hit them and not stop hitting them in case they get a chance to attack me. If I run and hide or turn my back, it's going to get me for sure, so pound on whatever it is like a crazed gorilla until it stops moving.
  11. Elevator one's funny. That guy woulda straight gave up his gf. lol
  12. Sorry. Completely forgot about the thread. Thought you might pm me. Anyway, I have a pair of summer tire 245/45's and a pair of all season 225/50's. Both pairs are pretty worn but held air and had no cords showing, etc.
  13. So, a whole vid of this guy patting himself on the back?
  14. No. Just watch it with one eye and then the other. Disclaimer: I don't know what I'm talking about.
  15. Most of the people, (99% of CR ), who need to understand this post won't. No. It's opinion. Like much of what you say. Now, can we get off this whole election thing and onto matters more pressing? You people know there's a War on Christmas don't you?
  16. Not only have we been flooded with letters, but this weekend, solicitors flooded our street. On one day, a guy tried to pretend he was actually with AEP. You wanna solicit that's fine, but don't fucking misrepresent yourself. I sent him packing. Anyway, I did my own research today and went with https://www.dom.com/. Only $.0599 until Dec 2013 and NO termination fees. Not only was it the lowest I found, but combined with no termination fees, that's hard to beat. The rate is also fixed and Dominion is with PUCO. That seems to settle any fear I had of switching. If there was some kind of hidden fee or other issue (which I currently don't see), I can switch with no penalties.
  17. "The Humble THQ Bundle is here with a colossal onslaught of esteemed titles. Pay $1 or more for Steam keys for Company of Heroes (and its two full-blown expansions Opposing Fronts and Tales of Valor), Darksiders, Metro 2033, and Red Faction: Armageddon. And if you pay over the average price you’ll also receive the extraordinary Saints Row: The Third!" Btw, the current average is only $5.68. Enjoy. http://www.humblebundle.com/
  18. http://columbus.craigslist.org/pet/3447060632.html http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k58/ImUrOBGYN/AnimalTelepathy.png
  19. I believe I may have some old 225/16's in the garage. Not sure if they are 50, 55 or 60 series, though and not sure on the tread depth. There probably isn't a lot left. I'm in Delaware if that matters. If you run out of options, let me know and I'll check them better if you're interested.
  20. I bet nobody ever thought a lowly vw bug would ever be made into a TT-RS, either. Yet, there it is in your sig. One flower vase short of a big, gray, gay statement.
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