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Everything posted by ImUrOBGYN

  1. meh. Guess they'll have to take it away from us since we're children and can't be left to our own responsibilities.
  2. That's shitty. I don't think your car and a sticker is the best way to voice your opinions on politics or religion (what's the point, imho) but what a fuckin dick thing to do to someone's automobile. Extremist of any type suck.
  3. I've never understood how someone could live like that. Burn it with fire. Or Hazmat suit and go treasure hunting. Free TV's, etc. Who knows what's buried in there? Maybe, that shit monument is hiding the lady? You can pretend to be pirates on a high sea of shit searching for booty...
  4. I appreciate it. I was starting to think the link wasn't working for anyone...
  5. I read this, too. This is what I'll be stockpiling for the coming armegeddon. I don't even eat them anymore... But, there'll be plenty of fatties who'll give up their guns for twinkies. :gabe:
  6. My favorite WC ended up being in the 3DO. haha (Had the best Need for Speed and Road Rash at the time, too.) I've never been into "flight sim-y" games but it was a good time. The trailer looks pretty damn sweet.
  7. Not sure if this should be in Pics/Vids or here... Anyway, here's a link to said magazine. I've uploaded the pdf for those who'd like it. Let me know if there's a problem with the link. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_8dv5e7VaRHQlVIU0h2ZjFOQkU
  8. Bwhahaha That's exactly what I said yesterday morning when I had to clean ice off the car. "Ain't nobody got time for this!"
  9. Figured she may come back as long as nothing happened to her. Very glad she did.
  10. Are you sure you aren't being a bit paranoid? Maybe reading into it a bit? The way I read it is you aren't allowed to come on my property with a concealed firearm without my express permission. And that's just from the version you posted. Of course, I'm listing a specific incident but the gist is the same.
  11. lol Some of you could stand to educate yourselves before commenting. What a concept.
  12. Fuck, someone's got to say it... http://files.abovetopsecret.com/files/img/id4fd4c4c1.jpg
  13. Good luck finding her. That's too bad. Don't forget to check the pounds. Also, how did you lose her? If your dog is simply running off, she needs to be trained properly. Time for a chip and some training! Of course, hindsight's 20/20. Good luck again, man.
  14. Wouldn't it be great if we still settled everyting with sticks and fists? I think so. The discovery of projectiles as weapons ruined everything.
  15. Every pic I see of that guy makes him look like some maniacal retard. (Young Bush not old Bush in this pic.)
  16. This may go a little beyond mere high school drama...
  17. What the hell are you guys talking about. Like regular cigarettes?
  18. You should get that mole checked out. I don't care what your lady calls it, it's not a "love bump".
  19. Wow, I haven't been been skating or played some hockey since I lived in California. (Of all places for ice skating. lol) It's been at least 13 years. Hmm... No way I can do it this Thursday but thanks for bringing it up. Gonna set that idear on the back burner for now...
  20. I setup a fish tank/plant tank similar to what is mentioned here. Using water overflow from a well established fish tank, running it through troughs for plants and filtering it back thru into the tank. I did my first one in the 8th grade. Worked beautifully. Was it the best way to go? Eh, who knows as I didn't have a 'test' grow. Just wanted to do it cuz it was an idea I had.
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