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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Best thing to do is keep your mouth shut... Cops lie as much as a con artist. Never ever say anything to cops, unless your lawyer says it for you.
  2. Drive that down Livingston or Main st. They will sell for sure!
  3. From what my friend tells me it take about 10-12 years to recoup the cost. The down side is most people don't stay in a home that long. I am looking into the outdoor wood burners, they are a lot cheaper, but you have to feed them daily. I am not sure if I want to do the amount of work it will require to keep it running.
  4. Jackson is just down the road from me. About 10 miles. I know a guy that worked for them they do solid work too.
  5. A very good friend of mine does Geothermal. http://www.jonsplumbing.com I am not sure if he will go to Hilliard or not. But it is worth a try. Tell him Rick Rodgers sent you.
  6. The popo did not hit the gas pedal for the drivers, the drivers used their own foot.
  7. Again you are back to the argument that if I was not in the military and did not interview for the PD.... I don't know enough. I am a very observant person. Most of the people on this likely don't remember when cops were cops and not paramilitary, because they are too young. Ask people my age or older and they will be able to tell you how the police have changed since the 60's and 70's. If you serve/served... My hat is off to you and I thank you!
  8. With the dollar in the toilet you should expect much more of this activity. http://lawnstogardens.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/01-bizsale.jpg
  9. The whole premise of the military is to have a few lead, but the masses to follow. Why do you think the training is set up the way it is. From the start of basic the recruits a broken down to follow. I am not saying this is a bad thing. It must be that way to have order and get the job done. No I did not serve. I do not need to, to have an opinion. The argument "you did not serve so you cant opine" is a lame one.
  10. You have three basic types of people that become Cops. 1. People who really enjoy helping the public and are in the job for the right reasons. This is becoming more rare do to the recruiting efforts of the cities/states 2. People "who were picked on" and feel the need to have a power control over others. 3. People that were in the military and are recruited by the agencies. This represents the largest group that has a bad attitude. This group will tend to be recruited not for leadership skills at all. They are trained to follow primarily and not ask questions or bend from the orders. The police forces would rather recruit people with a history being a follower than a leader. Look at the way cops have militarized over the past 20 years. It is becoming harder and harder to tell the difference between police and military. Our country is becoming a police state very quickly.
  11. HAOLE

    sunburn FTMFL!

    You should see some of the Japanese women on vacation in Hawaii.
  12. I do what I do because it is great to see people that have been to every specialist, been on multiple drugs and been told there is no help, get better. I love to educate. I hold weekly lectures in office, that is the most fun thing about what I do at work. Beside what else can I do to work Monday through Friday. Never work weekends and still make a great living for my family. My job buys me time. Time to spend with my kids.
  13. I am just saying what I observed. CPD helicopter doing circles about 71 and Polaris at 9 p.m. I am pilot... I can tell the difference.
  14. Did anyone catch the IPS sticker on the white Vett during the 10tv video? haha
  15. I was down by Quaker Stake last night about 9 and the "po po" heli was circling the area. I said to my wife " I bet they are watching for drag racing tonight". Lets think about this. "Good Guys" are in town so you know that the police are on alert, so you go race in a known spot. Not the brightest idea.
  16. Very well put. I dont have all the answers, no one does. Kirk has an inferiority complex IMHO. The problem is when people get better in my office, kirk and his cronies lose money. so he gets up set about it. the same reason the AMA tried for nearly 100 years to put us out of business. Purely monetary issues and ignorance. I am proud to be a DC. I don't have a glorious job reattaching someone arm or fixing a gun shot wound, but I do help people live better lives and that is a wonderful feeling. The funny thing is most who come to see me, start with the MD, then end up at my office as a "last resort". Most of the get well, treat the body right and it will heal the vast majority of time. He can continue to hate and Spaceghost will continue to ride his sack. At some point Spaceghost little girl may get to the point where the drugs and surgery have not worked. My office will still be open to them. Too bad Ben's blinders will continue to allow his girl to suffer when natural help is available. I see it everyday and I just shake my head and go on.
  17. I agree. This is really a case of judicial activism.
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