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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I see.... I was thinking of that as punitive damages not statutory damages. Good information to know. thanks
  2. So did you file Common Pleas or Small Claims?
  3. Hats off to you sir. Do I understand that you filed that in small claims? I have used small claims on many occasions to sue individuals and corporations. I have been under the impression that small claims could only be used for actual damages not punitive. Did the court count the damages as actual or punitive? Or did my law skillz fail me. I have had similar situations as you have, just have never pursued it.
  4. I think it is a one man operation.
  5. Clear Water Technologies from Newark
  6. My neighbor were I grew up was crushed under his car. I don't like getting under a car at all. It is kind of creepy to have a few thousand pounds above you on jacks that say "Made in China".
  7. Accurint will give me the first five digits. I think I will go shopping next week.
  8. Do you mind sharing part of the fair debt collection act they broke?
  9. We have Time Warner at home, and have constant problems with the on demand and the channels "stutter" half the time. We had 5 or 6 services calls out here with no resolution. I had Directv for years and had no problems They do seem to have a ton more HD, but no on demand for the kids. I think we will be going back to them shortly.
  10. HAOLE


    Don't get married.
  11. HAOLE


    QFT Marriage is forever. IMHO getting a prenup only sets an expectation of failure.
  12. Knives, baseball bat, poison, cars, bombs and a million other things would be used if they did not have a gun. A person that is going to kill will find away to do it no matter if they have a gun or not More paperwork has never solved a thing.
  13. 2 murders so far this year. I do leave the county too.
  14. I did. I do know I have very hard water. I have to clean out my dishwasher a couple of time per year due to calcium build up in the jets.
  15. I had a guy out tonight and he did a water analysis. He said I have hard water, etc. He wants to do a reverse osmosis system and a water softener, for $2100. I will admit I know nothing about this stuff, any advice would be helpful. Thanks
  16. The key word is "usually". Death row has many guys on it that did not want to leave witnesses. I think I will take my chances with a gun at my side.
  17. HAOLE

    Plane Crew

    You get paid to fly, I pay to fly. Something is just not right about that.
  18. The bottom line is, like it or not, we still live in America and still have the second amendment that allows me to own and use the firearms I own. The second amendment was placed in the bill of rights to protect us from a tyrannical government, and to allow use to defend ourselves. Overall, the police are meant to be reactionary to crime. Defense of my life and my families life rest upon my shoulders. Therefore, I carry a weapon.
  19. You said it, I did not.
  20. My office is doing great, I am in the service sector. The dropping dollar has helped bring back some manufacturing to Mt. Vernon. Rolls Royce is booming right now. Everyone is on mandatory overtime, and they are now hiring again.
  21. HAOLE

    Sexism on CR??

    I feel sorry for you!!!!
  22. You have proven in past threads on this subject that you are against CCW, a "left winger" and paranoid of guns. Thats all, John. Seriously, that is it :bangbang:
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