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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Canadian tax rates are as follows: If my math is right that is 20609.15 for a 100k income
  2. http://www.3spades.net/s/Chipmunk%20Blunt.jpg
  3. I don't agree with all aspects of the video... I agree with you as far as the middle class is not really suffering. People tend to live larger than they should. No one needs an Escalade, but many believe they deserve one. The biggest thing i wanted to get across to people is the dangerous fractional reserve banking system, and how money is created from nothing. It think it is scary that our country has no reason for the value of our dollar other than faith. The faith is starting to slip everyday, look at the Canadian dollar, we were once 1.5:1 (CN to US) now were are 1:1.
  4. He called me and made them triple!
  5. Put your nomex underwear on... the flames will be coming.
  6. The Bible rules..... Jesus saves!
  7. I think you may have missed my point.... I just want us to go use our constitution.
  8. My outlook is long term. I do see your points of view with reguards to the economic issues. However with the structure of our system a crash is going to be in the near (10-20 years) future. I am not sure how long we can create money from nothing and pay interest to the Fed reserve for the cash that has no value. I think we need to go back to our constitution and use it. Either way, our system will have to change. Neither alternative, system wide crash or return to the gold standard will be painless. I am not saying that banks are all bad, I just don't like the current structure. It seems unconstitutional to me.
  9. If she has not learned by the third time to bat.... nothing you can do!
  10. I don't think I would go this far. As bad as it may be here.... I would rather be here than anywhere else. It is scary to think that the banks control all of us but they do. The banks artificially inflate the price of everything in our country, Just think how many Escalades would be on the road if we all had to pay cash for them. Or the nice house you live in, would it cost that much if we have to save for them like 300 years ago? For me i have resolved to live as far off the "grid as possible. I will no longer take out auto loans again, or finance anything except for my house. I don't want to be a indentured servant to the banks any longer .
  11. Over the past year I have been looking into the banking system in America. the things I have found out are really scary. I am not sure how much longer our monetary system in the US can survive the way it is. Our money is a pipe dream that has been given to us in place of reality. No longer is the money of our nation produced and backed by our Government, it has been printed out of thin air since 1913. Anyone else been studying up on this? I know this post contains videos, I think it will generate more response about the topic rather than the video itself. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
  12. That is like the pot calling the kettle black... you and DollarBill are notorious.
  13. I had dreams of having a cool place like that when I was a kid... no pot though
  14. I would like to have the house for the cool Hogans Hero's like bunker.
  15. http://media.funlol.com/content/img/dead-cat.jpg
  16. Just wait until the depression starts from taking the antacids. Stomach acid is something that you need. If you stop production or make it neutral then you cannot digest your food. The food goes into the small intestine not broke down, then you cannot absorb B vitamins (B6).... then depression. Acid reflux is not caused by too much acid, it is caused by too little. If you do not have enough the food will sit in the stomach and cause pressure on the muscle that is between the esophagus and the stomach, that relaxes the muscle then the acid that you do have will travel up....boom heartburn. The secret is to add acid with Betain HCL. It is a natural supplement and available at most supplement stores.
  17. ^^^ Fixed http://hustlagrillz.com/grillz/grillz-gold-teeth.jpg
  18. That you should do! In street fights the first blow is generally the winner :grin2:
  19. You sure can hide a lot of special effects with the night vision switch on the camera.... I don't believe in ghost.
  20. I like rides, but I think that one would make me puke!
  21. You say you are related... you should be proud of them!
  22. Is it nice to see your family on TV?
  23. Good luck finding a Doc that will do that for you... at 22 and 1 kid I don't think they will do it.
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