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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I agree that it should go to the public, I am not a fan of many laws being passed by the elected officials. Myself, I could care less about the strip clubs.
  2. That is the way the DUI laws are... You are basically forced to testify against yourself.
  3. I will tell you a good job for the amount of education required. The X-ray techs make good money (20+/hr) and it is EASY work. If you have that much education it would not take much to get you through tech school.
  4. I have always read a court order was required for that. I have been trained and licensed to do blood draws in Ohio, I don't think that is a good Idea.
  5. Dude... stop, I almost fell out of my chair.
  6. Oh noes, don't tell me the Clintons are crooks....
  7. Don't be surprised if Dr. Rick is rolling one when they come out. I dont mind the auto too much, but I do wish it had a straight 6.
  8. I always though you were full it. Now it is confirmed.
  9. Depends are best... DONT get the Walmart brand.
  10. Glad you said that BEFORE I came into the thread..
  11. Dude, the INS does not deport anyone anymore.
  12. You could care less were the plane is going when you fly Hooters Air.
  13. On every other airline I have ever flown. People with small children get to board along with the disabled. The Flight was 20 minutes late arriving then to make up the time the ground crew rushed our boarding. The lady announced that people needing extra time to board to come forward. So we go to the gate with two kids, carry on and a child seat she tells us only disabled right now. She goes on to say that we will board after the priority boarding passenger. Since the plane was late the allowed no time in between calling the groups to board. This created a rush to get on the plane. We were directed to the front of the plane by the gate agent, we walk to the front of the plane, the guy tells us to go to the rear, we start walking to the rear, then we are told to go back to the front. Try doing this with a five year old and a 15 month old plus carry on and a car seat. So we get on the plane. Since the flight was late, the attendant was on the load speaker telling people to hurry up and get seated so we can leave. The people were pushing to get seated while I am trying to get a car seat installed and two kids situated. In the chaos, because people were rushing to get seated, my camcorder get knocked out of the overhead storage and gets broke.
  14. I had the worst experience traveling with children on Skybus to San Diego.
  15. got what she deserved lesson of the day... dont bite the cop! Where is the outrage for the lack of parenting that the parents have given this girl. Maybe they should know where their kid is at night and these things wont happen. I say punch the parent in the face for neglecting their duties.
  16. Someone buy that....it is a cracked head price!!!
  17. You think your Monday sucks.... This morning I had the Ohio Department of Taxation show up at my office. It seems my ex-employee turned me in for not collecting sales tax on goods that are not taxable anyhow. I am not in any trouble just another aggravation with the loser, hillbilly, inbred, white trash people in Mt. Vernon. This Monday blows so far!
  18. That is how a civic should be done.
  19. If you want the kid it will cost a bit more. I just need a new camera!
  20. Go find a rafter and a noose, you will be better off!
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