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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. All value is perceived, but gold and silver have been the measure that all other are judged by. It has been the means of currency far before the fiat money that we have. Fractional banking and the ability to print money at will is very dangerous IMHO.
  2. yep Sometimes you have to pick your fights...
  3. My wife said I cant have a video game unit....
  4. So you are telling me you have not done the same.... if so you are fooling yourself. If you touch a stove enough time and it burns you the majority of the time, human nature will tell you to be careful around the stove. We all draw conclusions about others based on our experiences. That is reality.
  5. Best post of the thread!!!
  6. Please point our ignorance.... Oh knowledgeable one
  7. If you have an Indian blood card that is like the Jackpot
  8. I want $$$$ My ancestors came from Ireland and were treated like third class citizens and some people puts signs in their window saying "No Irish" I want a better job and and my college paid for too.
  9. yep... then she gets free legal help on the tax payers dollar!
  10. I have been sued for firing an employee. She said I fired her because she had a disability. the only disability she has was refusing to work. Still cost me a couple thousand to defend myself while the Ohio Civil Rights Commission represented her for free.
  11. That brings up the aurgument for reparations.... ***ohnoes he did not bring that up****** So what is the prevailing thoughts on that?
  12. Don't call it a wreck yet we are only on post 39
  13. So violence is ok, in that case? Let me set this straight for you the kid was knocked unconscious then repeatedly kicked by the other five. I went to a 90% black high school and was subjected to the repeated violence and racism that the black students gave. Fortunately for me I was a big kid that was able defend myself. I am proud to say I stood my ground, other white students were picked on, stolen from, and beat up for things like... looking at someone. I get sick and tired of people saying that racism comes from whites, both sides are guilty. I would venture to say at this time the blacks have taken the racism reigns. Are there whites that are still racist? of course. At this time the legal system has now been reshaped to the point where some racism/violence is seen as justifiable. I don't think it is right.
  14. 870 is the best shotgun for the money....hands down!
  15. UMMM....... Jena 6, turning a blind eye is passively condoning behavior. White kids hangs a noose.... They were wrong, but no one was hurt. Black kids nearly kill a white kid.... Jesse and crew show up to free the kids. Jesse and crew are just as racist as the kids! Seems like a double standard to me!
  16. Here is what I think: I think a Job should go to the most qualified. I think if you don't have the grades to go to schools dont cry about it.. work harder. I think that in America if you can succeed here, you will fail everywhere. I think if you get fired from a job, don't cry about it... do a better job next time!
  17. The methods of each group are different but the end goal is the same. The NAACP has a history of turning a blind eye to violence against whites by blacks while at the same time coming down hard against anyone who commits a crime against blacks. There is a double standard in the US... it is ok to hate on whites but don't say anything negative against blacks. Otherwise Jesse and Al will be at your front door. Speaking of Jesse and Al where are they when The Nation of Islam comes spouting the anti white crap? They are sitting at home!
  18. They have the same goals... oppress blacks into believing they are helpless.
  19. I forgot about that, and the gas tax..... you are better off on welfare than to have a job up there.
  20. They have black people on FOX
  21. Your are right... the NAACP is at the same level as the KKK!
  22. About as well a an "NAACP" for white people would.
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