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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I fixed that for you. That was the crusades. BTW... telling people about Christ is not pressing anything on you. No one can force you to convert, we can only tell you about Christ, the rest is up to you. Why should we not be able to do that anyhow, non-Christians try to force their beliefs on my children and I daily. In school, TV, radio, magazines, in the stores etc.
  2. I am saying that evolution is not a law and is cannot be reproduced in a setting time after time. That is why it is called the theory of evolution.
  3. Some of the guys up this way are going to be at my place tonight. If you are interested come out. People usually show up about 8:00p.m 1002 Coshocton Rd. Mt. Vernon Ohio 43050
  4. Thanks, but I should have said I am looking about $500 or under. They grow out of them fast, so I don't want to spend a lot of money on it.
  5. From the title of the thread, I thought this was going to be about an STD.
  6. I am looking for a 50cc 4 wheeler for my son. His 5th birthday is coming up in about a week. I would like a Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki etc., no Chinese models. Let me know if you have one for sale.
  7. yea... i think we have covered this before
  8. So then it should be the Law of evolution? Sorry you are not correct.
  9. I hate to break it to you guys but the malpractice insurance "problem" is not the problem it is a symptom of an out of control medical system. I only pay 1400/yr for insurance. Stop giving people meds/surgeries that kill/harm people and insurance will go down. At the same time if people did not let themselves get in such bad condition, then they would not go to the M.D. for stuff that they could have prevented to begin with.
  10. As long as it is the patients that are arguing. If we argue, they ignore us. Dont ever think your insurance cares about you. IMHO I think they would rather see you die than have a long term illness.
  11. Faith is equal on both sides of the fence. Either you believe the evo's and think that the earth came from the big bang theory, and humans came from pond slime or think that God created us. Equal amounts of faith is needed either way, neither view came be proven in a controlled clinical study
  12. :bs: If someone had one of those up here I would know about it...
  13. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/bostongun1.jpg
  14. I depends on what your standard of proof is. If you are looking for a clinically controlled double blind study for religion, you wont find it. But just open your window and look outside, the birds, the grass , the trees the hills ect. proof of God that is good enough for me.
  15. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    The only thing I don't agree with Ron Paul about is foreign policy. That is were I am with Thompson. I think that Paul may be so on target that he will not get the nomination just because the public has had the idea of government as a personal keeper or big brother for so long that they may not fathom giving up the current corrupted form of our Government. The shock to most people is that government is not responsible for your welfare, you are. I don't know if most can handle that.
  16. HAOLE

    Ron Paul

    The world must be ending....
  17. *Vader voice on* Welcome to the dark side Luke.... It is your destiny!
  18. Good thread.... I go on vacation and miss the good stuff. First of all, I hate when people think Dr.'s make too much money. In healthcare the civil and criminal exposure is enormous. Every day I go to work I have to worry about a whole branch of the government that their job is to put me in jail. That is right boys and girls... One of the GAO's Job is to investigate healthcare fraud. Now before you say...." well if you are not committing fraud you should not have anything to worry about", a health care provider can be accused and convicted of fraud for selecting the wrong level service code. For example, you do an exam on a patient and select a 99203 code for billing and it should have been a 99202 or a 99204....Fraud. The difference between these code are very minor and not well defined. So how many others go to work everyday and wonder if the mail man will bring a certified letter saying you are going to be sued, or if the FBI will show up and take your computer and patient files for an honest mistake. When you go to work and face this stuff you should make what we do. Otherwise don't complain about 40 or 50 k per year at least you lively hood is not on the line.
  19. $50 cash.... you bring the paperwork.
  20. I do them cheap... but Carrol is a long way from me
  21. There is a whole laundry list of things that could be. Lipoma, lymph nodes, ect . Just go to the doc.
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