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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Anyone ever notice that open mindedness to the liberal means that you must accept anything that comes along. If you have standards that you adhere to, you are instantly labeled a bigot.
  2. HAOLE


    I have not had an internet connection for a couple of days. I am sitting at the Lihue Airport now stealing someones bandwidth. I will post some pics later today if I can find my cord for the camera. I am heading to Oahu to see family for a couple of days and will return to Ohio on Wednesday morning. Aloha! Ohh... I did see a perfect AE86 on Kauai... Spotless!!!
  3. sounds about right... Go have a smoke and see if it goes away
  4. my 50" Samsung plasma does buzz. you get used to it after awhile.
  5. you cared enough to post twice
  6. I am going to laugh if the law is upheld...and I bet it will be. Not that I care either way, I will laugh because the liberals will come up with some excuse why it did not go their way and will try to get the law overturned in court. Same as always.
  7. HAOLE


    Right click on it and look at the last modified date... what is it?
  8. HAOLE


    don't listen to these guys.... they can be mean to newbs.
  9. HAOLE


    how can that be? you said you searched for it and it came up.
  10. HAOLE


    go... My computer----then C drive--- then windows----then search in there for a folder named system32. Let me know if it is there. That will be the issue if it is there.
  11. HAOLE


    what files do you see?
  12. HAOLE


    Right click and go into the file properties and click the show hidden files. The corruption will sometimes hide file on you. Let me know what you see
  13. HAOLE


    Dude... don't let these guys pull you leg.. We have had several new people recently with the same problems. The only way to solve it is to check and see if you files are corrupt. Several members have noticed that the have a system32 infection. Do a search of your drive and see if you have files named "system32" Let me know....
  14. You are right! I bet the officer called the president himself before he made the arrest.
  15. just go to the doc.... practicing over the net sucks
  16. gallbladder.... Go eat a 1/4 pounder, and if it get worse, it most likely the gallbladder. BTW... your poop should be a dark brown color. Not light brown, if it is light you are not getting enough bile into the small intestine. Therefore you have large amounts of gas and stool that loose.
  17. I will say one thing about the ford 2.3.... you wont have to fix it every week like the DSM It is pointless to argue about what an engine could be made to do for the track. Most people are going to drive it on the street, and are not going to put 30k into the engine to get 900 hp. With enough money you could make any engine fast, even a Yugo.
  18. The 2.3 ford. is a very simple engine, easy to work on. I personally have pulled one out of a car replaced the rear main and had it back on the road in 6 hours with no help. They are cheap! You can go to nearly any junk yard and buy one today. If you want to upgrade the cam just go to autozone and pick up the ranger cam and roller followers and bolt them in. On the down side... it is a single cam, 2v head. Unless you find a Cosworth.
  19. Lot of people posting in a pointless thread, or they are swinging from someones nuts...
  20. neither do I.... I was just curious.
  21. So has anyone heard from Powers? Looks like he was around on August 11. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/powers.jpg
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