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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Did she set up a payment plan with you?
  2. This pre dates me, but the cliffs from what I understand is.... This guys wife had "relations" with alot of CR members. She got down on her luck in California, Anthony helps her out, she disaprears with out paying Anthony, now she and her new husband shows up. Those that are more in tune than I feel free to correct me. click for pic Full thread... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15335&page=1&pp=25&highlight=turbo+slut
  3. HAOLE

    Hi, new here!

    Welcome aboard.... in on the first page
  4. http://www.lacoctelera.com/myfiles/utilisimos/raising_gay_flag.jpg
  5. I don't think it could have been said better.
  6. I bet you do, being from Gerbil Village. At least he did not kill someone... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/chapa.jpg
  7. It is like talking to a wall... they will never acknowledge it.
  8. I got hammered at Makapu with 8 footers, I thought I was going to drown. Those guys are crazy!
  9. My first car... No Joke http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/DSCN1573.jpg
  10. The same thing happened to me in San Diego.
  11. Make thorne read the bible correctly...lol
  12. Dr. Rick-President Redneck-Scott-Vp Copperhead- head of the BATF Thorne/The Benz Guy- Center for Medicare and Medicaid "welfare" (never mind I would eliminate the agency) Anthony- Diplomat to Israel
  13. You better call me when that gets done.
  14. No matter what, the liberal hippies will never believe it.
  15. LOL we agree on something
  16. If you are in Columbus go see this guy: http://www.gillischiropractic.com
  17. Seems like we already have a bad economic shock going on now..... http://www.house.gov/garymiller/IllegalsCost2005.html
  18. Sorry to hear that. Seriously...go see a chiropractor!
  19. Maybe if we go them out we would save some $$.
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