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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. that is the TRUTH!!! You tell someone we will meet at 8:30... that might mean 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 or not at all. I had a hard time with that at first, it drove me nuts.
  2. Israel virtually makes no weapons, beside the uzi and a couple of other items. They have a very limited economy, if it was not for the US Israel would be without arms and food. I am not sure that the Israeli army is so good, they just happen to fight bad armies. The Jewish lobby in the US is stronger than any other lobby, including tobacco, medical, pharmaceutical, and AARP. That is another reason that the Arabs hate us.
  3. I wish you would retire, I might be able to make some money then
  4. sell you my belkin......
  5. yea... don't be in a rush for anything over there....
  6. I lived on Oahu for about three months when I was 18... besides the birth of my kids, and getting married (I better put that in just in case the wife reads the thread) it was the time of my life!!!!
  7. Don't be a hater! http://www.kauai-vacation-rentals.com/images/KauaiMap_extralarge.jpg
  8. I agree.... the dollar to HP equation does not work well in those cases.
  9. Someone does have a triple turbo set on a supra. I don't know who owns it, but remember the power is not as good as a single or twin set up. http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/supra_1964_82063622 http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/supra_1964_81906184
  10. the green is a single, the yellow was a twin
  11. twin HKS... I call dibs on the front clip
  12. I have a power washer at home... I will try that first. If that is not the problem, I will check into the fan clutch.
  13. It seems that Hulk Hogans son wrecked the yellow supra. He and the passenger are in bad shape. Pray for them, if that is your thing. http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2007/08/picture-1.jpg Click Click for the pics
  14. I have a belkin, it sucks....
  15. I am posting this article to help those understand why the Arabs hate us. Many people have heard that the Arabs hate us because we are free, I don't think that is the entire story. The relationship between the U.S. and Israel is the main factor. The Arabs see the support that we give to a Nation that seems nearly unconditional. We give billions per year to fund Israel every year. As a matter of facts it come to nearly 1/3 of our foreign aid budget. Now before you people come out and call me an anti semit, I am not. I am just pointing out fact. I believe that is is in our best interest to support Israel, for a couple of reasons. First of all the Bible tells us to do that (flame on): (King James Version) Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. (thee refers to the Jews) Romans 15:27 "For if the Gentiles have shared in their (the Jews) spiritual things, they are indebted to minister to them also in material things. Secondly I think it is to our best interest to have an alli in the region. An NO Suadi Arabia in not our alli. Food for thought....
  16. And you have as much proof of that as anyone else....
  17. Thank you guys for the help!!! Gearhead.... What does it cost to pull the r134 and recharge it?
  18. A lot of people buy junk huh? j/k
  19. I would say that the lack of guts in America (not referring to those who serve, but the general public opinion) has led us to a point where our country is nearly in effective at winning wars. All we are allowed to do is give people black eyes and make them made. Anytime someone says to take the gloves off we have every liberal in America screaming and crying about too much force. In a war their is no such thing. The point of waging war is to beat the opponent into total submission. Look at Gulf War 1, we started taking out nearly the entire Iraqi Army on the highway, then the bleeding hearts start the trail of crocodile tears, and say we are using too much force. So we stop.... the problem could have been taken care of then.
  20. This would be more like Sam... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/300px-OE_800.jpg
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