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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. click the first link in my sig... :funny: I had to say that for Rob!
  2. Question: What can a family Dr. do other than mask symptoms?
  3. The lake is NASTY!!!
  4. That is an old picture, my plans are to replace it. You can see my old GSR out front though.
  5. Thanks for the feed back!
  6. Now before all you tech gurus get on me for a weak site, keep in mind that this is my first one. Check it out and see if you see any mistakes or ideas to make it better.... http://www.knoxchiropractic.org Thanks
  7. Andrew Age 4, Samantha about 1 month http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/1217234056_l.jpg
  8. This bacon cheese burger is good!
  9. You look a lot younger too. GREAT job, you should be proud.
  10. HAOLE

    Mt. Vernon 7.0

    About 100 people and 40+ cars. 9-11 is the busiest time.
  11. HAOLE

    Mt. Vernon 7.0

    After being bugged by several people we will have Mt. Vernon 7.0 Friday August 10, 2007 7:00 pm to ?? Locaton: 1002 Coshocton Rd. Mt. Vernon Ohio 40350 Same meet rules apply....
  12. The ricey RX-8 was traded in on my supra
  13. HAOLE

    Home Remedys

    Antibiotics most of the time, do not work for ear infections. The vast majority of ear infections are viral. Antibiotics are given to make the parent feel better most of the time. Ear infections are caused by restriction of the eustachian tube. Therefore, the natural drainage of the ear is restricted. I would do the ear candle thing or this stuff . When I or my kids get an ear infection we go get adjusted to clear the tube and restore drainage.
  14. Burn the place down, then call the insurance company.
  15. HAOLE

    Die civic Die

    That was a tough little engine!!!
  16. ummm. I think the lemon law is for new vehicles, not used.
  17. HAOLE

    Die civic Die

    JB weld will fix that!
  18. Off topic.... this is not a Bush hating thread. If want one of those, please start one.
  19. You are incorrect. Nothing in their oath says they have to sell evey drug made. No Pharmacy does, there are 10's of thousands of medications.
  20. You don't think anything I do/say is good, so that tells me I am on the right track.
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