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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. This is my definition of a liberal, as you can see Thorne fits right in. He is completely intolerant of other peoples right to do as the wish, and run their business as they wish. At the same time thinking that anyone who does not think like a liberal are the intolerant ones.
  2. You never will follow him... most of the time his post are incoherent
  3. And it is about the pharmacist right to run their business the way they see fit.
  4. So it is o.k. for you to tell the pharmacist to hire someone else and force them to sell a product they don't want to? Kind of like "the pot calling the kettle black". Should we force Walmart to carry XXX movies too, just because you think they should sell them?
  5. I bet I know more about embryology than you do. I dont need to give you a biology lesson. You can figure out where I stand so why have another 300+ post thread to accomplish nothing at all.
  6. So quit posting threads like this and shut up about it already.
  7. The mechanism of birth control pill are different. "the pill" works pre-fertilization not post. I think we need more birth control to stop people that should not reproduce from having kids. Just come to Knox County and you will see why.
  8. If it is fertilized then life has began. Even is implantation has not taken place yet.
  9. Remember... I did not start this thread or any of the others. I think you need to rethink who is on a soap box.
  10. I think you played out your positions long ago. I happen to agree with the pharmacist. That Bible that you say you hold dear to you NEVER said fetus, or pregnant. it says a woman is "with child". Thats right..."with child". So plan "B" kills the child. Are you not glad you mom was "pro-life" when she had you? Come to think of it who are you to tell the pharmacist how to run his business? He should be able to sell what drugs he wants the consumer can go somewhere else if the really want the drug. I would not want the government telling me that I have to do something in my business that I think is immoral. I would tend to think the extremist side of this argument's is the side that wants to make someone do something they don't want to. The Pharmacist are not saying that the women cant get the pills, they just need to go elsewhere.
  11. http://www.mahopa.de/bilder/lustige-forenbilder/this-thread-is-gay.jpg
  12. Because when you wreck, MY tax dollars will pay for YOUR nursing home stay and medical bills. That is why t is the government's business
  13. I am almost a professional at fixing appliances now. Heating elements, power terminals and other stuff has been going bad at my house. The wife has been bugging me for new units foa about two years, but I keep on fixing them instead.
  14. http://members.optusnet.com.au/alphawolfau/Funny_shit/Thread_hijack_live.jpg I don't get mad about it like some people do. Some of the best thread come from a hijack!
  15. I sold my Supra to him and his check cashed. I think you need to use common sense when buying a modified car. CHECK IT OUT FIRST. At the minimum do a compression test to look at the health of the cylinders.
  16. Show will be off the air in a year..... true story!
  17. Anyone know about this car? click
  18. I have seen those videos. I almost feel off my chair laughing. The look on the faces of those people is priceless.
  19. Has anyone been to a restaurant named MOXIE in Cleveland? I went there last week for lunch , nice place, the parking lot had a load of Bentley, Rolls, Porsche ect. It is a good thing I did not pay for lunch, I don't remember any prices on the menu. BTW, They guy that went to lunch with paid with a black American Express.
  20. Have you seen the Allegheny at the Henry Ford? That thing is HUGE!
  21. What Schumacher house did you have built?
  22. HAOLE

    The plunge...

    Congrats..... So when does the car and bike go on sale? J/K
  23. Do yo know Holly Swisher?
  24. Nice language for a Christian. Great way to lead others with your testimony.Keep up the good work.
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