Did you ever stop to think why we have so much cancer in the U.S.? This is NOT a global problem, it is an American problem. The best way to deal with cancer is to stop it before you have a problem. I would venture to say that Cancer is nearly 100% preventable, yes I said it... nearly 100%. The problem is with how we, as Americans live our lives. Our diet has the largest factor in our immune system response to cancer cells.
What most people including Dr's fail to realize is that we all have cancer every day. Everyday we develop between 100 and 10,000 cancer cells. The difference between someone who has a tumor, and those that don't, is the immune system. We have the ability to fight cancer, the problem is most people run the immune system into the ground then the scratch their heads and say.... I got cancer? That is like running your car lean one to many times and wondering why you got a hole in the #1 piston.
I am not against new treatments, unless the people we love are used as guinea pigs. That is what happens time after time in our medical system. We rush drugs to the market with little research, people die, and patients eagerly will wait in line for that drug. Just look at any of the newer drugs that have pulled off the market.
I am realistic about this stuff because I work in this field, and see people come into my office with 18+ medications, and they wonder why they are sick. I know there will be some that disagree with me, but the medical profession has not cured a single thing in the history of their profession. Although they have done much good in the are of trauma care and acute disease management they have done nothing for health care... only sickness care.
BTW. if you want to learn about nutrtion look up Westin Price, Royal Lee, Francis Pottenger.
This is a good start.....Click