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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I treat TONS of personal injury claims and they SUCK!!!!!!!
  2. Turn on CNN, Anderson Cooper is supposedto do a piece about how bad they are. Allstate has a policy of denying all soft tissue claims and forcing them to court. They also will low ball any settlements. Just speaking from the doctors side of things.Cooper
  3. Needs gold Daytons that stick out about 4 inches from the fenders... then its pimpin'!
  4. torch + welder = anything is possible
  5. So we keep them employed so they don't act up? Using that thought maybe we should give everyone a government check. If everyone has money then we will have utopia.... right? Wrong just because people have money, or they don't does not influence the crime rates. IMHO the lack of morals and social values influence the crime rate more than anything else. click here Look at the rise in crime as the end of the "leave it to beaver" era ends. The US became more socially liberal and family values began to erode. My.02 flame away
  6. The best way to resolve this is just start putting the employers in jail for hiring illegals. If there is no demand for the labor they will go home. Maybe cheaper than building a wall!
  7. The US would not shut down... Would it painful? YES! We would be better off in the long run with out them. I am not an advocate of taxes, but just look at how much tax is lost. Then on top of that the illegals still use our schools, hospitals, and other government services. All the while you and I pay the bill. IMHO I would venture say the illegals may offset the contribution to the economy by not paying taxes and using our government services.
  8. silver seems to be providing a nice trend over the past 5 years Just like Fort Knox. I am not in to to make a quick buck, long term is what I am thinking.
  9. Because... you cant hold futures in your safe. They are imaginary, not physical. The price of silver has went up almost 300% in the last few years. On top of that, if the dollar crashes gold and silver will still remain a hard currency.
  10. I have a server that has not been turned off except for power outages since 1998.
  11. I should be like others on CR and offer you $50 for it all
  12. Call the airlines... they ship them all the time.
  13. Burn it... 55gal drum+ some fire wood= fun
  14. I already invested in the Tijuana Rolex's
  15. You better get a Green card before I call INS...
  16. Anyone invest in Gold or Silver bullion? I am looking to start buying. Any suggestions for local dealers?
  17. Remember the sink hole at Broad and High back in the 80's?
  18. Then they spit on your food when they go get it. I worked in a pizza shop, NEVER make the person made that is messing with your food! Your food might get wiped on the floor, spit on, rubbed on the top of the trash can, ect Always be nice to your waiter,waitress ect.
  19. Blitz 03's http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/supra_1932_24592505
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