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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. They had to be prolife at some point. Murder is murder no matter how you try to justify it.
  2. I dont think the 2.1 gallon tank will be much of an issue. Since it is a Harley, it will break down about that often anyhow.
  3. I like this guy..... Sodomites only come "out" to say "look at me, I am gay". Instead of flaunting it in front or millions of children just live your life and leave us straight people alone. The prolife comercial is to inspire those thinking about abortion as an option to choose life. Prochoice people are only prochoice if you are murdering babies. Funny how all the prochoice people are alive today because their mom was prolife.
  4. I have a 21.5 and it's great for me. Snow Leopard>Windows any day.
  5. iMac 1199.00+ EyeTV tuner 119.99= less headaches and under budget. http://www.elgato.com/
  6. I am open to any of them, but the more compact the better.
  7. What you see is what you get. Will consider partial trade for bowflex. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/100_1978.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/100_1979.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/100_1981.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/100_1983.jpg
  8. Most of the time it is a waste. The program is meant for people that are not really motivated to get back to work. Kind of like having a baby sitter.
  9. Let me add.... Being a white Duke Lacross player Being a white fire fighter in New Haven Connecticut Being Nicole Simpson or Ron Goldmans family and having a killer let go because people are afraid to seem racist and fail to convict OJ. Being a white employer that does not hire someone because they cannot speak english in a professional manner and you get hit with a case from the ohio civil rights commision (Did not happen to me, but has happened in Ohio) Then having to spend thousands of dollars defending your actions. Being a white cop that arrest a black professor for being a tool and having our president say you were stupid. Just a couple more off the top of my head.
  10. I did not play football or basketball. I had a friend that was told by the coach "sorry son, your just the wrong color". true story
  11. Very true. There are other factors that lower the cost of living there. No heat needed, in most cases no AC is needed. You only need sumer clothes. Generally people are healthier there so less medical cost. People tend to drive less miles so vehicle and gas expenditures are less in many cases. The beach is free! BTW.... I have a little something in the works right now that may put me back on the rock permanently within the next 6 months to a year.
  12. I would say attending a majority black school during black history month would be a start. The holiday that is on monday was never a good day. Trying to get on the football team or basketball team at same high school. Us of lighter color had golf and and soccer to play. Trying to get on the Columbus fire department in the early 1990's when the quota system all but locked out white male non veterans. Numerous scholarships were closed to me because I lacked as much melanin as someone else. But we all know, no one discriminates against white people. All us whiteys having everything handed to us on a silver platter and don't have to work at anything to get what we want in life. I want my reprirations now. $100 bills will be fine.
  13. I am starting to like this guy!
  14. HAOLE


    No need to worry fellas I will be paying this year like all others. Someone has to pay for the EIC.
  15. If you have a Square D box they make an interlock plate that will allow you to safely backfeed the panel and it does comply to the NEC. This is how I wired my house. Total material will run you about $150 to do it correctly. If you need help let me know. http://www.interlockkit.com/ That site will give you an idea of what I am talking about. It is cheapest to get the interrupt through Grainger
  16. I am a cracker......true story!
  17. +1 I lived there when I was 18. Hands down it was best time of my life!
  18. Get prepared to have greasy poop for the rest of your life.
  19. I am a recovering Windows person. The new iMac is cool btw, and it looks good in my living room.
  20. This is all about maintaining the government ability to generate funds from speeding tickets. Why else would the city spend 15k on one expert to fight a $190 ticket?
  21. yep... we have no useless organs!
  22. HAOLE

    kobalt tools

    I can post pics of the laser CHINA etch on the tools. brb.... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/100_1568.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/100_1571.jpg
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