I agree with you, but for different reasons. Back braces do two things that are bad for you in the long run. First of all, they lead to a dependency on the brace that will in turn lead to muscular atrophy. Secondly they give a false sense of security and lead to further injury.
In the late 90's Walmart and many other companies began a campain of back safety forcing workers to use back braces. The immediate result was work comp claims for spinal injuries decreased. Over a couple of years the claims stayed low. then about 3 years into the program, the cases came back, with worse injuries. The workers learned to depend on the braces and developed weakened core muscles. They also tried lifting more than they should have been because "I have a back brace" mentality.
I dislike them so much I don't stock them in my office. You are much better off with out a brace in most situations.