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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. or you could give them this... http://www.gurusoflaw.com/images/malpractice.jpg If what you do works so well, my office would not be getting to the point were I may have to turn away new patients.
  2. Your as full of crap as a christmas turkey.You finish them?:gtfo: You have consistently shown you medical god attitude. Just because you got an md degree does not mean jack. Plenty of morons get those degrees. Heck you could go to a island in the Atlantic and get your piece of paper in just a few years. Bottom line Kirk "think" he is gods gift to mankind.
  3. my .02 Giving people more access to gamble will in the long run make matters worse. I would assume the demographics for gambling is like the lottery. The casinos will market to the hopes of the poor for a big pay off. Therefore the largest segment of their customers will come from the poor to lower middle class. Therefore casino's are kind of a back door tax on the poor.
  4. Working on it right now. 200+ people per week for my office. I just need more offices and other chiros to work for me. Just pointing out your inaccuracies.
  5. http://rense.com/1.imagesH/selfportobamsplash.jpg
  6. Are you going to cry and run away for a while now?
  7. Sorry your butt hurts man. My average new patient has been to several MD's before they come to me as the " last resort". I dont cure anyone. The body cures itself, I just point them in the right direction. Cough cough.... limited ROM is a direct result of that surgery . That is a criteria for determining disability according to the AMA guides for impairment rating. Fifth edition.
  8. I think the original version was.... What do you call Rock Hudson in a wheel chair? Rollaids circa 1985
  9. He will be fine. While we wait for him to get better we may as well have fun.
  10. I love my career! I just had another medical failure as a new patient this morning your dope just about killed her. Someone has to clean up the AMA's mess.
  11. Just using the same standard as you did early on in the thread.
  12. See told you he knows everything! http://rense.com/1.imagesH/amaL_dees.jpg
  13. As long as you don't have pain into the extremities it should go away in a few days. Use ice for the first week, no heat!!! Keep stretching lightly. You should be OK by this Friday. If your not better, call me and I will check your spine and see whats wrong.
  14. I agree with you, but for different reasons. Back braces do two things that are bad for you in the long run. First of all, they lead to a dependency on the brace that will in turn lead to muscular atrophy. Secondly they give a false sense of security and lead to further injury. In the late 90's Walmart and many other companies began a campain of back safety forcing workers to use back braces. The immediate result was work comp claims for spinal injuries decreased. Over a couple of years the claims stayed low. then about 3 years into the program, the cases came back, with worse injuries. The workers learned to depend on the braces and developed weakened core muscles. They also tried lifting more than they should have been because "I have a back brace" mentality. I dislike them so much I don't stock them in my office. You are much better off with out a brace in most situations.
  15. lol..... where can I get $100/visit? I am moving tomorrow!!! Are you licensed to give advice?
  16. Heat+new injury= more swelling= more pain=longer disability You need http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/2061334/ice-ice-baby_Full.jpg
  17. The problem with inversion is it is not specific enough to solve anything long term. Tempoary relief does happen with inversion, but otc meds do the same thing. Teeter hang-ups is a good example of the power of television. I would try to find out what the problem is and then find the right treatment for the problem. My .02
  18. Back pain does not discriminate!
  19. This works well http://www.enterpriseirregulars.com/ClientFiles/82388168-e55f-43b3-9d64-ae192675fbb6/ice_cubes.jpg + http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c99/rkvlk/Resting.jpg Not gone in a few days call me.
  20. I did give advice... ask Kirk. He knows everything, just ask him.
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