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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    Raw Milk

    Here you go... Sources for raw milk in ohio. http://www.realmilk.com
  2. Reason 511 I need to move to the desert.
  3. Do you have medical payments coverage on your own personal insurance? You will need to open up a med pay claim with your insurances company. They will subrogate the claim and get the money back from the liability company. In most cases doctors will not accept the liability coverage of the person that hit you for a couple of different reasons. First of all liability payers will only pay in one lump sum at the end when treatment is done. Secondly, often the insurance companies will pay the patient directly, that means the doctor will never get paid and the patient buys a big screen tv on the doctors tab. That happened to me last month costing me $1841.
  4. Bad insurance. Bring your KY Jelly and get ready. They are about as good at paying bills as Allstate is. Statefarm is the best!
  5. HAOLE

    WTB: M1 Carbine

    How did I miss that??? Was it at a private residence ?
  6. Mark Kafantaris is who I send our patients to. 614-223-1444. Tell him Dr. Rick sent you. http://www.KAFANTARIS.COM
  7. Cuffed, read rights, put in the back of police car, then released.
  8. HAOLE

    WTB: M1 Carbine

    Sweet!!!!! Thank you!!!! They dont have carbines but the Garand will be fine.
  9. The problem is we have people running our country that do not understand decreasing expenditures.
  10. HAOLE


    I dont like his agenda either, but is is a good movie.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090102/ap_on_go_ot/gas_tax When are we going to have a revolution to clean out the BS in Washington. I get tired of the politician running their mouths about we need to change (not pointed at Obama) government and nothing ever changes. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! Mark my word. This nation is on the verge of collapse and those that are responsible are laughing all the way to the bank.
  12. HAOLE


    I went to see it. As with all hollywood movies there is always embellishment. Overal I thought the movie was good. They did get the main details right.
  13. If your brother cant get a loan there is a reason. You better be prepared and financially able to cover the note if you do that. My advice is two fold. If you need a loan you cant afford it anyhow. Dont ever cosign for someone, family or not!!!!!!
  14. delete all system32 files.... problem solved
  15. Can I have my gold name and the bigger pm space?
  16. I will not swim in fresh water lakes if I can touch the bottom. It gives me the creeps!
  17. HAOLE


    I almost fell of the chair:lol:
  18. I liked the tags.... The chat was terrible! Why cant they make is faster?
  19. HAOLE


    http://www.break.com/index/revenge_nut_shot.html The follow up a couple of weeks later. http://www.break.com/index/parking_lot_nut_shot.html
  20. HAOLE

    Frozen Zunes

    No, but both of my ipods are working today.
  21. HAOLE


    I only have one friend so far, spaceghost. The irony in that.
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