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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    Obama Supporters

    2nd lawsuit challenges Obama's citizenship http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=78111
  2. I have always liked Titan. They are good to deal with.
  3. No... it was a very realistic dream too.
  4. Can we give Bush the credit for the lower gas prices?
  5. I had a dream that I ran over an Obama sign last night in my Suburban.
  6. Two issues here, reparations and redistribution of wealth. Neither should occur!
  7. I have done many alarms, remote starters, and custom stereos. It looks scarier than it is. The first time you do one allow for about four hours. After that you should be about an hour to do them. If you need help let me know, or I can do it on a Friday or Saturday. Just don't touch the yellow wire running into the steering column.
  8. They just get a bad rap because they are cheap and ugly. They shoot fine as far as I know.
  9. HAOLE

    Obama Supporters

    Not yet. In regards to the snow, Arizona and Hawaii are looking good right now. The country will survive Obama, it survived the peanut farmer and Slick Willy
  10. HAOLE

    Obama Supporters

    The issue is black and white, the answer is not. Does the Constitution require a person to be a natural born citizen, yes or no? Is Obama a natural born citizen, yes or no? (this is the gray area)
  11. http://www.wsyx6.com/shared/newsroom/top_stories/wsyx_vid_1089.shtml
  12. HAOLE

    Obama Supporters

    So just throw the Constitution away? Like it or not we have rules. You libs are so star struck you are willing to ignore the rules that have been in place since the founding out our nation. He must really be like a messiah to you guys.
  13. I seriously need to move!
  14. http://www.clubaudi.com/picgallery/d/1482-4/fail_at_life.jpg
  15. I think Thorne is a good guy, about as good as Jack Torrence was.
  16. About $350/rim +tires. So I would guess about 2k in rims/tires on a $3500 car. I only thought people on the East side did stuff like that.
  17. I think this early voting stuff is BS, unless you have a VALID (disabled, military, out of town for work) reason. November 4th is election day. More time for you vote to be changed by some Obama worshiper.
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