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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    WaMu :(

    The whole point of this "problem" we have is to make the banking industry more powerful. They will consolidate until there are only a couple of banks left then they have an even stronger hold on the dollar and this country. I remember Kirks5oh busting my chops saying I was paranoid of banks, seems like my predictions so far have been spot on.
  2. He has authored NOTHING AT ALL. I want one of those hardworking jobs. The only thing he has done is steal his ideas from Karl Marx.
  3. So why don't you give me all of his accomplishments? Please tell me all about his executive/legislative experience.
  4. That is one way to ruin a good engine.
  5. If feel this bailout is a bunch of BS. The next time I take a 20K loss I am going to call congress and want them to cove my bad business decisions. This bailout just follows a long line bailouts that shift the business losses to the American people. The 700 billion actually will hit us in two ways, first in the actual monetary amount given to Wall Street, secondly in the form of inflation. Let them take the losses they deserve, it will hurt a little now our a lot later. This will only serve to delay the inevitable.
  6. Exactly. They don't build the casinos to give money away. In the long run most people will never break even.
  7. Same old Jones.... missing the point.
  8. I find it funny how Obama gets a pass on having zero executive experience, zero forgiven policy experience, zero legislative experience (never composed a single piece of law). At the same time the libs are giving Palin a hard time. Typical liberal garbage.
  9. Well said. I agree with that. Lotteries are nothing more than a back door tax for the poor.
  10. His arm was not long enough I guess, long barrel.
  11. My neighbor put a 12 ga barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger with his toes because he could not quit betting the ponies. Besides him leaving his 10 year old boy to find his body and mess, I don't see a down side either.
  12. Legal or not.... I dont have a death wish.
  13. I always have an interesting time in Hawaii. This trip is shaping up to be no exception. Last night I was driving down Ala Moana Blvd near the mall. I see a street bum trying to take a lady's purse. Her boy friend was wrestling with the homeless dude. I pull the car over to help out and the homeless guy lets go of the purse and stands up. The boyfriend grabs his cell phone and starts to call the police. Meanwhile the homeless guy starts walking towards me, I told him firmly not to come any closer, he stop and turn around and walked away. The husband of the lady followed the guy at a safe distance. I gave my cell number to the lady and went back to the boat. About 20 minute later the Honolulu PD calls me. They picked me up a the Ala Wai Yahct harbor and take me to were they are holding the guy. I gave a positive Id and filled out the report. The Cop said because the guy was using force to steal the purse, it was going to be an Robbery charge. Anyone know if I will have to come back and testify in court? I hope so
  14. I dont know... I was not rude enough to walk inside.
  15. Betty Montgomery say next to me from Columbus to Chicago. She seem like a nice lady.
  16. I hate this flight. I got to Honolulu yesterday. Now I am waking up at 3:30 am here. Jet lag sucks!
  17. I win http://www.thebigday.com/i/dest/2/WaikikiDay.jpg
  18. When I was 22 My mother passed away, I know what you are going through with the roller coaster cancer. Prayers will be done. What ever you do, spend as much time with your Mom as you can.
  19. When eating White Castles an exact ratio of onions to burger must be followed to achieve the optimal taste and effect. The sandwich must have onion to burger thickness of 2:1. This ratio will allow for the optimal aroma 4-6 six hours later. To enhance results use a dutch oven while in bed.
  20. HAOLE

    Free Dog

    That is a good looking dog. We are looking for a dog right now, but I dont think my wife would go for 170#.
  21. Sure is funny how the liberals love to say we need to accept everyone as long as "everyone" means gay, lesbian, black racist (Rev. Wright, Calypso Louie) or any other deviant behavior. When some one stands up with their religious views the acceptance by liberals go right out the window. Kind of sounds like Thorne.
  22. Still living off the Ex?
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