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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. I am an SM and I was smart enough to get you to do the work for me
  2. I should do that... details?
  3. I will bet you a meal for 2 at Outback Steak House it fails.
  4. Glad to hear you are ok. Good thing the kids were in school. Let me know if you need my help with your spine.
  5. I did not say we were not going to learn from it. You are putting words in my mouth. My money is on it not working. Due primarily to the complexity and size of the project.
  6. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was considered a marvel too. My bet is that someone just wasted a lot of money.
  7. Multi-billion dollar failure coming soon.
  8. HAOLE

    Stolen Quad on CL

    This is a classic.
  9. Can you cut and paste the ad?
  10. Does not surprise me at all. Anywhere in St. Louis that has a Rally's is a bad area. A couple of rules to live by in St. Louis. 1. If the street is named after a famous person (Washington, Lincoln, MLK ect), dont go there. 2. If the street is named by number, dont go there. 3. If you see a Church's Chicken or a Rally's, don't stay around too long. 4. Any City that begins with East is not a good thing.
  11. They are for my 5 year old. He is tall for 5 but not that tall. Thanks
  12. Cool.... let me know.
  13. That is the point of the thread...
  14. My foot is a little bit bigger than that. Got a price and pics on the clubs?
  15. I am not a tattoo person, but I like the old WWII nose art from the bombers and fighters. I think that would make a cool tattoo. http://bp3.blogger.com/_zu-DKjmLnoA/RqjfHsEjnBI/AAAAAAAAAuY/J7jOHGfHylk/s400/betty+grable.jpghttp://www.alaska.faa.gov/fai/images/Aircraft/B17%20nose%20art.jpghttp://www.bluesbettie.com/images/BluesBetty320.jpg
  16. I am looking for a junior set of clubs and a set of adult clubs. They need to be in good condition. Let me know what you have.
  17. I wish him well. He is one of the last class acts left in Hollywood. Only a few great actors are around and he is one of them. I hope he pulls through. Him, James Earl Jones, and Denzel Washington are the three best in Hollywood
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