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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. Discuss Shamrock is going to get rocked!
  2. I would like to buy one and stick it in the garage for the next thirty years, then profit.
  3. Can a Brother get a witness???? Amen
  4. HAOLE

    Fun winter

    I am putting my office up for sale.. Arizona or Hawaii here I come.
  5. My dad laughed at me when I asked for one of those in the backyard when I was a kid.
  6. How about our country just following the Constitution and get out of the socialism that the people in power have lead us down since the early 1900's. If we did that then we would not have to worry about dem or republican, just the constitution.
  7. I bet the leg humpers are about to cry!!
  8. This may have traction. We will have to wait and see.
  9. I guess Thorne wont need his van marked with free candy on the side.
  10. yep. The six pack of soda today and the two cups of coffee with dinner might have something to do with it too.
  11. The government does not lend or create money. The money created by the federal reserve is loaned to the USA at interest. Central banking is the root cause of the problems that we have now. The central banking was the root cause of the revolutionary war. Another revolutionary war may be needed to correct the problems we have now. I hope not, but history repeats itself.
  12. Why worry! The federal reserve will just print more money to loan or government and or dollar will just become worth less and less.
  13. Is that from the new engine? Or the old one?
  14. I think it was yellow, but he did not have it very long. He also had the Renault.
  15. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/tracy.jpg
  16. HAOLE


    Maybe you need some mental help
  17. Do you remember the Dodge Daytona he had in about 1991-92. that is the car his parent rewarded him with for running away. When we were kids he would have only the best BMX/Freestyle, Hutch, Redline, GT, Haro. He would get tired of a bicycle, and throw it in the dumpster and tell his parents he got "jumped", next day new bike.
  18. I grew up with the owner. He was a tool 20 years ago, looks like things have not change. When he was 16 he stole his parents Cadillac and ran away to Florida. To get him to come back, his parents agreed to buy him a brand new car and budget 4k for a stereo system. The stories go on and on. This made my morning! click for vid
  19. Scott, I hate to disagree with you. There is a big difference between a military operation and policing. The goal of the military is to kill the enemy. There is a good reason the US military is not allowed to conduct operations within the US. The military is not equipped or trained to provide civil protection with regard for the civil rights that our Constitution provides us. I certainly dont agree with the military tactics that our police forces have adopted. Citizens are being harassed, assaulted, and killed with this shift to a more aggressive police forces It is easy to think that locking down an area will solve the problems that are due to lack of education, lack of father figures, poverty, and poor morals. Once the curfew is lifted the problems will return. I am not advocating that the government step in and pour money into fixing these people. You cant throw money at this type of a problem and get it to go away. When the people get tired of living that way, they will change there neighborhoods. Don't forget they can leave the bad areas and move at will.
  20. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k25/straightchiro/display.jpg
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