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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. The lake I live on is not real big, but it is deep and clean. Apple Valley Lake FTW.
  2. If you don't mind, would you share the details on what happened.
  3. You have no way of knowing that. Four people know what really happened, the shooter, the dead guy , the girl, and God. Don't think for a second the media and police will not spin this to side with the agent. The Blue Wall is very real.
  4. We better ban steak knives. None of us were there. I wonder if the other guy pulled his gun out, and the shooter reacted to the situation. After all the officer was the one that followed the shooter into the post office. We will never know the whole story, the truth lies in the middle somewhere.
  5. Sorry to hear that.... He was one of the funnest comedians since Pryor.
  6. Nicely done. Gets a little boring watching the Supras walk the Vetts all the time :grin2:
  7. You two lost me a while back
  8. geeks fighting over graphics cards lol
  9. I just do promo DVD's for my office. Most of them are based from Power point and then turned into Jpg's and place to audio or music
  10. I need a new desktop for my office. I need it to be able to do graphic editing like photoshop, Edit movies, enough power to run multiple programs at once. At least 750gb hd. I also want to run a 42" monitor that will be in front of my desk, this will allow me to have more room on my desk for my work. I dont know jack about all this "core duo" stuff. Should I build my own or by off the shelf? What model would you suggest? Thanks Ps..... someone please edit my title.... I am dumb
  11. I should have read the thread first. I almost choked on my English muffin.
  12. I will give you the 24 hour window. But any delay past that is considered a fail. $30??? I am not going to outback to eat a hamburger, $60.00 will get me or you a T-bone for two. As long as we are betting food God is ok with it. Deal?
  13. The police officers should be charged in the murder of this girl. They clearly were negligent in the performance of duties and due to them, the girl is dead. In many states, including Ohio, you can be charged with murder if you and another person are involved in a crime and someone dies during the commission of the crime. IMHO this should be no different, the cops put her life in danger, they should be charged also.
  14. Fin Feather Fur has one made by Kahr for 620.00. I don't know anything about Kahr. If I was buying one I would want an old one, but I am a WWII history buff.
  15. Looks like your wife and mine have the same decor taste.
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