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Everything posted by HAOLE

  1. HAOLE

    Sexism on CR??

    The only problem I have had with my female employees, they are to emotional. If you correct them, they tend to take it personally. With a guy you tell him he is not doing something right, it is no big deal he corrects the issue, and life goes on. A woman is totally different.
  2. The bottom line is, if you can walk away, you should. No matter if someone calls you a bad name, or grabs your girls rear end. If you are the type of person who cannot walk away you should not carry.
  3. This guy was within two feet of the deer and could not kill it with four shots.
  4. Last winter I was on my way home, turned the corner to my house and a deer was laying in the road. The buck had a great rack. I pulled next to it and it got up on the front hooves and drug it's rear end, it had been hit. So I called the sheriff and wait for them to get there. The cop gets out of his car and pulls the deer out of the brush still alive. The cop pulls out his .40 Smith and has to put one in the chamber ( I could not believe that he did not have a round in the chamber). He shoots the deer about 4 times. Looks down at the deer(still alive) and looks at me. Then he says, " Piece of junk gun", and empties the rest of the magazine into the deer. all the wile I am bitting my lounge, trying not to give the sheriff's officer a shooting lesson. I hope I don't have to depend on him during a robbery to save me.
  5. The last thing I would ever want to do is shoot someone. That would be an event that you would never forget. I will however defend myself, my family, or any other person that is in mortal danger. The guilt of pulling the trigger will always be less than the guilt of not pulling the trigger and watching an innocent person die.
  6. The problem with your reasoning is that sometimes the robber does not want to leave witnesses. In that case I would much rather have a guy like myself take the robber out. I am sure the ladies at the Layne Bryant that were shot would have wanted someone with a concealed weapon in the store. Just because someone is a cop does not mean that they are a good shot, or anymore responsible than the average citizen. Cops come from the general population, are human and make mistakes too.
  7. Someday one of us may save you or your kids life. Be thankful there are people willing to step up in those cases when a patient of yours, goes off the deep end. No one in this thread is interested in your left-wing soapbox about gun control. BTW.... Dont be so paranoid about people carrying guns. Do you have Hoplophobia?
  8. HAOLE

    Plane Crew

    I have the sportys here at my house.. It is a great way to get your ground school out of they way.
  9. Because we still have a small shred of the Bill of Rights left. He needs no other reason. That sentence just irritates the liberals.......lol
  10. HAOLE

    Plane Crew

    It looks like a cool idea. I would rather buy a Cessna etc. These newer craft need to be proven for awhile before I would buy one. Plus a used Cessna 172 will cost you about 50k for a nice one.
  11. That would get you jail time though.
  12. http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2008/07/25/text.html?sid=102
  13. I assume a complaint to the proper governmental agency that oversees dealers would solve the problem.
  14. I am glad he forgot the " I live too far away" excuse. I know I am safe now.
  15. The girls said you dropped by last night. I was hitting the Italian sausage stand at that time.
  16. HAOLE

    Misplaced Ad

    You can tell who has kids.
  17. Just go for Krav, you wont regret it.
  18. HAOLE

    Big Hangover!!!

    Check this guy out. He had a .9 BAC http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/2005/01/04/drunk-bulgarian-050104.html
  19. They do good work I used them several times back in the late 80's and early 90's
  20. HAOLE

    Big Hangover!!!

    I bet this guy has a mean hangover!
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