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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. I had surgery a few weeks ago where I had to get put to sleep at Riverside. Waking up during it or being able to feel the pain was one of my biggest fears. They had me sign a paper saying that it was possible it could occur but extremely unlikely since they hook up to all these monitors that supposedly indicate your level of conscious while under anesthesia. I still was worried about it.
  2. This doesn't surprise me actually.
  3. Hmm... I work on the same floor as you and Paul so I wonder if this will be resolved by the time I get to work this evening. Did they evacuate the whole building?
  4. It looks like there is a location in Indy, I am going to have to stop there next month if I make it to Indy for the MotoGP races.
  5. I love that place. The food there was so good. We went to the one in Vegas back in February.
  6. Craigslist is a option too. I sold my Iphone 3G for close to 400 bucks to a local buyer back in June.
  7. LMAO. Sounds similiar to when you have your buddies help you move and they get the beer before the move is complete.
  8. What's the status on this Putty?
  9. I passed a sign on the side of the road for pony parties today. 614-370-PONY
  10. Probably a couple cases of PBR........
  11. Damn, that sucks. I would offer to help but I don't know crap about that stuff.
  12. Interesting. I wonder if these were sent from his personal email account or from a state owned/work email address.
  13. Insurance will take care of it. Nothing like paying 34 bucks a year for anything goes coverage with zero deductible..
  14. I don't think he thinks the heart attack was his fault.... more than likely the fact that he thought his dad was faking the heart attack and he sat there and watched him die because of it.
  15. What do you think is a fair offer? Since they are going to make you name a price anyways... I may know someone that is interested.
  16. Sounds about right. /end threadjack....
  17. You missed the boat on that one. :)That loophole closed back in Febuary. Maybe it's worth a shot. The worse they will tell you is no. The magical words back in Febuary were "materially adverse change."
  18. Well timed post. I ran into this problem earlier today.
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