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Everything posted by Pedro1647545510

  1. I agree and this is how I interpret the notification section in the CCW manual.
  2. I'll take one of the free range passes. Number 5?
  3. He should give up now before he tarnishes his legacy. He should have went out on top and stayed out....
  4. I agree. Even though they fucked up by sending them directly to him I would go the legal route to avoid all possible issues that might arise from not doing it.
  5. Summa bitch... Guess I might be getting a new phone if I can sell my current one for a decent price.
  6. Wow, that is jacked up that they would have the balls to call you out on the tip. I would have not tipped them at all.
  7. The First 48 DEA Katt Williams Pimpin Pimpin The Beast Richard Pryor Comedy Special
  8. Which store did you get it from? I bought my Iphone from the AT&T Tuttle store from Adam. He was a cool salesperson and was helpful.
  9. Now, that wouldn't be very Christ-like....... These days I am not surprised that they would fire someone for something like this.
  10. Yep, AT&T will not subsidize the second one from what I have heard from the store reps as well. I went with a Iphone only policy through State Farm that covers any damage/loss/ or theft because I will be pissed if I had to pay full price for another Iphone.
  11. Nuff said...... He looks like the type to do something like that. LOL
  12. SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- A woman in South Korea who has taken the written exam required for a driver's license nearly every day since 2005 has failed again - but is hoping attempt No. 772 will be the charm. The aspiring driver took her first test in April 2005, according to Choi Young-chul, an official at the North Jeolla Province driver's license agency in Jeonju, 150 miles (240 kilometers) south of Seoul. She has taken the test a record 771 times, most recently on Monday, but has yet to pass. She said she plans to take the test again but did not say when, he said Thursday. The 68-year-old has spent 4 million won ($3,000) on fees for the test, he said. Applicants must score at least 60 on the written exam before they can get behind the wheel for a driving test. Choi says she's scored as high as 50. "I feel sorry every time I see Cha fail. When she passes, I'll make a memorial tablet myself and give it to her," Park Jung-seok, a traffic police officer at the agency, told the Korea Times newspaper. No other details about her identity were released other than her family name, Cha. http://dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/02/05/offbeat2.html?sid=101 I think she should just give up at this point.......
  13. I would take it. One of the articles I read said this latest buyout offer is less than the other ones they offered. I would get out now while I could, especially if I was a younger worker.
  14. I agree, I think GSP still would have dominated as well. It sucks that this cloud may hang over him though.
  15. LOL, looks like we posted at the same time...
  16. Anybody see this story? I didn't even notice that they were rubbing vaseline on him in between rounds. I wonder if it will be enough to affect the outcome of the fight. http://sports.yahoo.com/mma/blog/mma_experts/post/Did-GSP-s-corner-cheat-to-give-him-an-edge-?urn=mma,138156 All in all, I still think GSP dominated Penn the entire fight...
  17. That's how it starts... Then it goes to "just let me put the tip in." LMAO
  18. Stay in it for the long haul. The market is bound to rise eventually, dollar cost averaging works. I have "lost" around 27% as well, but it is going to be a long ass time until i need the money. Studies have shown that people that constantly pull out and put money back in to "time the market" don't make as much as someone who leaves it in and rides it out.
  19. Quickpwn is what he used.
  20. I got out of my Sprint contract yesterday with no early termination fee and switched to the Iphone using the admin fee as my reason. I sold my old Samsung Instinct and used the money from that to get the new phone. Whoever is thinking about using this way to get out of their Sprint contract is gonna wanna do it soon, supposedly the loop hole is closing soon.
  21. I bought an Iphone yesterday. The salesman was saying if ever you needed to bring it in for service simply hook it to Itunes and let it restore it. He said if the phone won't turn on they have no way of knowing if it is jailbroken so you would be fine there as well. Putty jailbroke mine yesterday while we were waiting for the UFC fight to start.
  22. I'll have to cross my fingers on this one... I had to come in to work Wednesday but if this thing hits hard I'm staying home.
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