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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. I hold a ton of SCHD, I like your strat but you have to be careful of inverse/etf daily rebalancing. Im doing similar right now as I feel its safe to bet there wont be a huge market pop up anytime soon. I sell OTM call options for income to buy dividend stocks, same with selling OTM puts in large non volatile companies.
  2. adebellis@gmail.com please. I remember getting suckered into buying a beta gmail invite back in the day
  3. I can only guarantee lower bowl, if you are interested in a particular game and ready to pay I can offer a few available sections at that point in time. I can only hold those sections for 20min until it expires.
  4. As a PSL owner I have access to extra tickets for the following events: I thought I would pass some savings and make a little back towards my PSL. • Friday, October 31 vs. Toronto • Tuesday, November 4 vs. Carolina • Saturday, November 8 vs. Tampa Bay • Saturday, November 15 vs. San Jose • Tuesday, November 25 vs. Winnipeg • Monday, December 1 vs. Florida • Tuesday, December 9 vs. Philadelphia • Thursday, December 18 vs. Washington • Monday, December 22 vs. Nashville • Wednesday, January 14 vs. Montreal • Tuesday, January 27 vs. Washington 100$ a Pair up to 8 seats together for most game. These tickets normally have a face value of 75$ each. You paypal me, then I will electronically transfer the tickets to you. From there you can store them on your mobile device for entry or print them out for a hard copy. * Ticket quantities and seat locations at this special price are limited and move fast, will probably only be open for the next 2 weeks. PM ME, Thanks
  5. Supplicium

    Note 4

    Just got a Note 4 through work, what are the first things I should change/download? I have never used a Droid and im strugglin with it for some reason atm.. How do I get rid of all these Amazon and other bs apps? a link to a guide would be awesome, thanks
  6. We do structural engineering yes. If you need a price email me adebellis@suburbansteelsupply.com We stock a little aluminum, angle, I-Beams, bolts, channel, deck, flat, plate, rebar, pipe, tube, smooth round, solid square, grating, wire mesh, etc. I can source anything pretty quick. If we stock it and get the order by 1PM we can supply and or fabricate then deliver next day.
  7. I sell all that aswell. Not so much stainless but I can source anything pretty fast. Give Suburban Steel a call sometime. Ill PM you some more info
  8. PM SENT.. What do you guys buy from Benjamin ?
  9. go with the HRE! no need to PS it. pure
  10. very nice ride. i prefer APR chip and exhaust. APR also has a DSG tune.
  11. 2 fold for leveraged ETF, the daily rebalancing can really get you in a buy and hold situation depending on which side of the market you are on and what direction its actually going. Dont know about you guys but Im looking for some deals in long term plays atm. T and GE are about to get to cheap to pass up if they fall a couple more bucks.
  12. http://www.jesshoward.com/ tellem Suburban sent you
  13. largest comeback in nfl history
  14. you need a DVR software solution for your cameras, you can use "camera motion" when something crosses a made up geofence set with different sensitivity to text your cell phone when there is activity. I use synology.com for this and works with the most basic foscams
  15. all experience based, good money really good benefits. C-Tec offers seniors to take a mentorship at my company. We hired a student last class right out of school.
  16. anyone into structural welding hit me up
  17. I would rather be deaf if I had the choice in that situation
  18. My brother has a order limit 90$ or better and Schwab could not fill it either. We will see if it dips to 90 again today
  19. the wealth creation is just wild
  20. y'all buying at market or limit?
  21. remember fellas this IPO has a shorter lockup period than most. FB I believe was at 180 days and around that time came a ton of volatility. I am trading this for the first 90 days then getting out before lockup expires. My entry order is 30 @ limit 64.65 My guess it plays out, worst down to 55 best up to 95 in those 90 days. We will see
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