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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. Yup 450k more shares sold short the last 2 weeks. 1 year ago there were 2.8M short, to the day today its now at 6.6M short.
  2. Classic short squeeze. Id bet the short interest is up big time today and the last couple. Do you have a position in it now?
  3. TWC is the worst. Bills are never the same, when you call and ask about it you will get a different answer from each person. I have ATT and would gladly pay double to stay with them then to pay TWC.
  4. Jeffro - Unplug your battery for 10min then see if that resets it. If not check your brake pads esp the rears when they get low it can pop it. If neither of those work its either a bad brake light sensor or ebrake sensor
  5. I dont want to chat a lot about it but I am going through something similar. I anonymously called child services, made a report about child neglect and drug use around the children. Exagrattrated on some facts to make it seem more dire. They showed up at the bitches house the next day for questions and I believe forced her to take a drug test. Failed the test with multiple substances. Started the whole process real quick. I dont want my family member to lose his kids but when both parents give no fucks about their own kids you have to do something. Good luck and only worry about the kids future.
  6. The person who signs her paycheck should be shot too
  7. I dont mind giving the gov't a loan. Id rather get a huge chunk back then to blow it all year and owe something at the end. I top off the IRAs then put the rest in my income producing stocks.
  8. make sure whoever it is, buys the steel from me
  9. I have tickets for skills and the game. looking forward to it!
  10. I think I have a 27 or 32" older flat screen with built in DVD. No remote but it works with a universal.. PM me if interested
  11. I have an akc dobie who is turning 2 next month. Best dogs. I paid same price and had no rights and had to get him fixed on his first birthday.
  12. First thing I have ever bought that was piratable. I am thinking about getting the steam console
  13. Jeffro whats your steam name? yall add me adebellis22@yahoo.com Also, I havent used Steam since it came out in like 03, what are the must have's and do's? What AOE did you buy on steam?
  14. I have lower bowl seats for $55each for the New Years Eve game 12/31 7PM Fun to do especially if you are going downtown that night. email me adebellis @ gmail I can get up to 8 together possibly 10.
  15. I have 2 or 4 seats lower bowl, attack zone twice. sec110 row m. my personal seats available tonight. PM me with an offer quick or email adebellis@gmail.com
  16. Ive been buying up SLB the past 10+ years, KMI is very attractive atm imo both actually. I am thinking about exiting SLB and rolling it into XLE to get exposure to both and cut out some volatility and keep the yield. I have a decent size limit order on some T @ 31.5 to hold forever as a "CD" will add on as it falls if it gets there and doesnt hold.
  17. original slap 100% legal and warranted. Hammer Fist to the nose not so much.. Should have just tripped the bitch and hope for a cooter shot
  18. nope you will be fine. Aslong as you dont have a ton of driving violations or drug/assault felonies. I got a 65 in 35 ticket about 6 months before I signed up.
  19. Ive used everything but the coffee, although Uber will be delivering Starbucks soon. Spotify users will be able to link to my stereo and play their personal playlist when you get in. They just signed a deal and integrated spotify into the Uber app. I also offer up my iPad with access to my ATT Uverse / SiriusXM for longer trips.
  20. http://uberohio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CBUS_P2P_License_Guide.pdf http://uberohio.com/cities/columbus/p2p/ No they do not explain anything about them, I am following this guide I found online: "You will need to file for taxes (1040SE) regardless of your Uber salary. This will go under self employment income, subject to self employment taxes (social security and medicare) You will get a 1099-K if you received over $20k in Uber fares (your Uber salary) and given over 200 rides. A 1099 would make your life easier as you just use this form to fill out your taxes. If you do not receive one, you will need to calculate your Uber salary. Use your Uber salary to fill out 1040SE. Tax Deductions Generally, it is easiest to deduct these items: Mileage on your car . (This is in place of actual car expeditures, such as car maintenance, repairs, and gas) Mobile Phone fees (note: it is recommended you get another mobile phone with data just for Lyft, Uber and Sidecar so you can deduct the entire phone bill, or you will need to itemize how much for personal use or business purposes) Cost of things you give to your passengers (for example: water, gum, coffee, cookies (or supplies to make them))"
  21. So I have been driving for Uber in my spare time for a couple months now. They started a referral program so I thought I would share my code in case anyone is looking for extra income. After you sign up all you have to do is get a peer-2-peer transportation license with the city of Columbus, background check and a car maintenance check up / report ~ 80-100$ total. Without driving too much during "surge pricing" i'm pulling in $1000 every 33-35 hours online. I have some friends making double that, basically its all about how hard you want to hustle. It is pretty fun, makes for some interesting stories and decent side cash for the best flexibility possible when it comes to a job. any questions let me know.
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