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Everything posted by Supplicium

  1. that is a very nice bike! wish I had the cash atm id pick it up. good luck with the sale.
  2. If they did give her a pill or even a half would be so bad for her, her body probably felt like it was in a coma. Im sure the people that have rolled would understand. I tried it a few times in high school and even half of one made me retarded. half pill + 6ft+ dude = retarted. I couldnt imagine a little girl. So sad. Someone on the internet has to know these dumbfucks, they should be turned in.
  3. AUDI SPORT NORTH AMERICA FTMFW!!!!!!!!!! Keith, I didnt think you liked Lemans or anytype of "euro" racing?
  4. I saw a guy today from Tennessee at work give his has to be close to 10yr old son a pinch of skoal. That has to be illegal.
  5. I love the GT's I was considering one when I was lookin at STI's.
  6. Welcome to the better "CR". :-P
  7. shit im in na johnstown is a cake walk for some yueng!
  8. Im 6'2" and was very uncomfortable in it. But if you like em go for it if you can afford it!!!
  9. yea that place straight blew
  10. Supplicium


    Welcome, more euros the better! I like old bimmer's too.
  11. I hope he is ok and will tell his side of the story asap.
  12. Supplicium

    xbox 360

    the ring of leds around the power button illuminate red.
  13. Thats ludacris! Where did you pick yours up at? I got mine at Polaris. When you ordered it for sears.com they should have charged you 49.99. Wow id be upset.
  14. ill probably be there to dyno with turbospec, just hope my new dv will last me 2 days lol. does the 35bucks include a boost reading?
  15. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoID=2029791828
  16. <beavis>fire hehuh fire</butthead>
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