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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I never looked at it that way. So now when people here talk about murders they have committed they can just say it happened in "Brazil".
  2. I'm going to start selling electronic devices with self destruct buttons.
  3. LMFAO!!! Thats just wrong.. yet so right :gabe:
  4. Right! It sounds like a typical flowmaster having muscle car. I hear trucks that are way louder than my car all the time. They hate him, not going to happen any time soon. Some of my neighbors are the bar fighting spit in your face type. I'm not playing referee for grown people. If he gets his ass beat I would prefer it be when I'm not trying to enjoy a steak
  5. I did exactly what you said when he first called the police. My hoop stays at the top of my driveway and is moved down for games as well. As long as the hoop stays on the blacktop its fine. The police officer said if it doesn't overlap public property its cool. Yet, even if it did a little most officers would enforce it. Today the guy made it a point to go to all of the neighbors houses that have kids and complain. Along his trip was a house with a woman whose body is rejecting a kidney transplant. That was honestly the last straw. I beat on his door and told him off. Its one thing to be anti-kid... its another to stress out someones mom who is going through so much. I told him that the kids would be playing basketball, they would stay off of his property, they would be respectful as far as noise is concerned, and I would put my foot up his ass if he ever added unneeded stress to my neighbor with the kidney issues ever again. I addressed the fact that I was doing everything in my power to be civil but that time is limited. The woman with the kidneys issues husband is a lawyer and the neighborhood would gladly join together to get a restraining order against him. Her kids come over my house to give her time to herself and he stepped way over the line with his crusade to kill childhood.
  6. V8 Beast

    RIP Ahmed

    He left his stamp on this world and obviously touched people in a positive way while he was here. Its always sad to hear when we lose a car enthusiast. Just keep his memories close to your heart and feel better knowing there are no speed limits in heaven. R.I.P.
  7. I didnt. I only saw you run the vette
  8. LOL.. I recorded for a few hours straight before I went to work. Thank you Tim /psychic abilities
  9. http://www.youtube.com/user/xxtheonlyxx?feature=mhee#g/u Hit the load more button for all the videos..
  10. I concur my good man. This perfectly illustrates an average Saturday evening for most of us here.
  11. Only from my pubes out.
  12. P.S. He said it wasnt racial because he has black friends
  13. So I went to talk to him today. He basically said he doesnt want the kids playing ball in front of his house. He said having 13 kids in front of his house is a "gang" and the cops would be called if they kept it up. I let him know the cops were laughing at him and calling him an idiot. I also told him that I'm not going to tell my son to police the number of kids he's playing with. As to not catch a case I told him to shut the fuck up and walked away. There is no way in hell Im going to let him control whats going on in front of my house. The sidewalk and street are public property. If I want to have 20 kids in front of my house I'm going to. The basketball boucing does not create enough noise to be considered a legal issue during daylight hours and its not hanging over the street so he cant say shit. I have a really strong feeling one of the kids are going to end up kicking his ass. They are getting older and half of them are bigger than him at this point (he's about 5'2''). Summer vacation is on its way so the kids are going to start multiplying. I would really love if every police officer on this board would show up in your cars and uniforms for a cookout and a few games of basketball. That would be freaking awesome
  14. Just think.. If comparing to most us us its like that person only spent $190.
  15. I'm cleaning my AR15 on my front porch right now wearing a do-rag and a blue bandana over my face....
  16. Were you on a bike going down Walcut yesterday morning?
  17. I figured I wasnt the only one that had crazy neighbors. I'm going to go over today and talk to him. He's from India so maybe he saw Boys in the Hood and thinks I'm going to bust a cap in his ass... who knows.
  18. Across the friggin street. If I get blamed for anything I'm going to kick your ars
  19. The other night Rutan was over my house tuning my car around 9pm. My other neighbor called and said my car was too loud so I apologized and put it away. I've had annoying neighbors in the past so I do everything I can to not be that person. Some people are just wierd. Yes I know I'm wierd too!
  20. I already built one.. but mines an X. Guess we'll have to start over.
  21. I purposely moved it to a point that the ball goes nowhere near his yard. I also think I need to let him know that if his yard is properly airated light traffic wont compact the ground enough to kill the grass...
  22. I have a bunch of vids to put up. Good to have 4 hours to myself to talk to car heads before work called me back in. I figure I'll put them on youtube. I broke up every run on purpose so it should be easier this time. If you have an android or iphone you can get a youtube downloader app and move then from your phone to a computer. Hoping to have them all up by the morning. Doc, that Bentley is all kinds of sexy!
  23. Present tense + past tense = in-tense????
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