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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Over the last few week my neighbor has been threatening to call the cops on the kids. They were playing in the street and went into his grass way too much. I understand how much it takes to keep grass green so I am extremely empathetic to his situation. The problem is he is a little bitch and waits until I leave before he says anything. Fast forward to today... I go to pick up my nephew and leave my son with my neighbor. After I leave he comes outside and tells my son that having the basketball hoop at the end of my driveway is illegal. Keep in mind that I was out there playing with the kids for a few hours and he didn't open his mouth. My son tells the guy if he has any issues to talk to my dad. The guy then tells him to move it or he's calling the cops. My son repeats himself as I told him to. Flustered he calls me saying, "Dad I'm going to jail!" I hurry home to put an end to this bs. When I get home there are 3 officers outside of my house playing referee to a heated debate between a few of my neighbors about the hoop being "illegal". I jump out of my car and this dude has a panic attack. He starts apologizing, saying he cancelled the call to the cops, he really didn't mean for them to come out, and is almost in tears. In my most pleasant customer service voice I tell him if he has any issues with my kids, ever, to call me. If he addresses them without me present I would like for it to be civil. We have been neighbors for 7 years and there is no reason to start problems now. I add that I understand its hard work to keep the grass green and the kids know they are not allowed on it. Finally I ask, why he has never said anything? He doesn't respond. He just tears up, shakes my hand and runs away While he's running I say, "The basketball hoop will remain on my property and the kids will continue to use it." We have about 20 kids in our neighborhood and its a great way to exercise and keep them out of trouble. The cop then chimes in and says be lucky its not street hockey or baseball and starts cracking up. I know for a fact I'm a lot more mature than I used to be. The Brian from 5 years ago would be throwing cups of roundup on his lawn and being an ass whenever possible. Instead I'm more worried about having a conversation with this guy to let him know he shouldn't be afraid to reach out to me. Thanks for reading my touching emo story. Its been a fun day.
  2. It takes me less than 10 seconds to unlock my guns. Best time was 6 seconds. 1. Guns 2. Katana 3. Baseball bat 4. Dagger 5. Conan the barbarian looking sword 6. Big black dildos ... I'm slightly creepier
  3. Theres a slow moving cell in Missouri. I think thats the one they are talking about hitting us around noon.
  4. A safe or gun lock can prevent that Kevin.
  5. Yes, I want to know how the keyboard Rambos plan to deal with multiple criminals. i.e. how many tumble rolls, backflips, mid air reloads, and black paint under the eyes would be needed?
  6. Less pictures more digestion... see sig
  7. It'll be a few weeks before I get them.
  8. In case you missed it, since no one answered....
  9. My wife and I both grab guns. She goes to the kids and calls 911 to let them know the alarm is real. I sit at a location outside of the room to protect them if needed. If they decide to get too close to my family their life ends. At this point my dog woiuld already be barking like crazy and the alarm would be going off. If they havnt announced themselves or left I'm leaving peep holes. If I start to walk down the steps I leave myself pigeon holed with no place to dive or seek cover. I'm not hunting, my house isnt set up for that. I'll let the idiot criminal put their face right in my scope with no place to go. P.S. Another reason not to hunt.. what if there are more than one?
  10. Still having issues? I have reverse drill bits.
  11. I probably wont be able to hear it over the exhaust anyway. I have to drop $60 on a trailor tomorrow and if it rains I'm sol. I'm going back to driving it up there.
  12. I'm tired of having to check the weather before taking my car out and rent trailors in case it rains. Recommend me a good high speed tire with wet traction.
  13. Period. Every weekend I have free it rains.
  14. I tried it with nitrous. 1. Error 2. Error 3. Deleted app
  15. Tell me about it. I like to sneak to a few test n tunes to iron out bugs before the track days. My car hasnt seen over 100mph yet.
  16. I made you regular and left my graffiti :fuckyeah:
  17. Based on the mixture of cultures I have n my DNA I cover both the token black guy and latino lover. Thats why Ant made me an admin :dumb:
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