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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. If it were you or Hal a lot of banning would follow.
  2. Impeach this!!!!! Or even evennnnnn better we make the entire forum Admins. Everyone would ban each other until there was only one standing! note: There is a .0000000007% chance of any of this crap ever happening.
  3. Or even better... if there was an annual day on cr with no rules what would happen and how long would it take to clean up?
  4. What would happen if we made newbs mods for a day without telling them... would they just lurk with super powers or cause anarchy?
  5. 12m 1.50 acorn with a 3/4 hex. I cant find them anywhere local. Everyone has the 13/16 but not the 3/4.
  6. No, Hal put on his man pants and ran in to help. I heard some guy was choking a girl.
  7. In my case I would strip naked and start beating off out the window while yelling "choke her, yes, choke her!. Works every time! In all seriousness if it were outside of my window I would be more hesitant because its where I live and I have kids. Last thing I need is someone trying to come back at me and my family getting hurt. If I am out and about my instincts would have me breaking it up before I had a chance to think. I've broke up fights with pretty big dudes in worse situations. In my case having kids makes it complicated. Do I sit back and look like a bitch and show my son being a coward is ok??? Help and possibly put them or myself at risk??? I honestly dont know how I would act in that situation. Luckily I have never had to find out. My wife decided to keep the stratus. I give up on trying to sell stuff that belongs too her. It will be paid off in a few months so I'll let her keep it for now.
  8. No, I'm in my start shit mood. You were just the one that took the bait (this is me trolling :fuckyeah:) Truth is I was going to agree with Joe but saw people ganging up on him and decided to be an ass. P.S. I would never ever ban anyone for arguing with me. Ive had people go as far as calling me the n word. I just deleted it and sent a pm telling them to chill out. Being level headed and neutral all the time is no fun. I'm done too.. going back to acting like an admin. On a scale of 1-10 this battle was a 2... we failed
  9. Me I would not, but I also have guns and training to take care of that kind of stuff. The OP was uncomfortable which shows me he (more than likely) would not have been much help. Not everyone can play hero. P.S. I'm done calling you names. It makes me feel like an ignorant asshole. Oh well, cant fault me for trying something new. P.S.S. Nice edit. I suck at MMA so you would kick my ass if we made it to the ground. I tried a few times with coworkers.. My ground game = lame.
  10. Nothing was in white text you delusional BITCH (oh yeah I caps locked you again). I hit submit then decided to add to it.
  11. YOU ARE A PUSSY.. Next CR fight night I'll show you how big of one you are. My money on you not showing and trolling until the cows come home. My real life is badass.. you = keyboard BITCH. Yeah I went there with my keyboard about your keyboard. What the fuck you gonna do about it?!? Come back at me so I can type some more hard ass stuff. My keyboard is ready fuckers!! Back on topic. The OP could have seriously put himself in a bad situation. Not knowing the guy, girl, what started it, whats going on, etc. Playing hero is good and all.. until you get hurt.
  12. at the gay internet warriors trying to call people bitches. In real life they see Chittenden is their next turn on the GPS and suddenly it says "recalculating route" You made the right move. I have litterally seen a guy try to break up a fight like that and the girl started hitting him. Your life > some random woman that told the cops nothing happened.
  13. Your nutswinging thread is scheduled to take place on Wednesday. Dont cry its on its way.
  14. Tilley conditions with unicorn oil and his combs are made of hopes and dreams.
  15. My wife did say she met you. I'll have to say whats up the next time I'm in there. I got a call from work and had to run back.
  16. Phil was banned for a month as well. You guys have something in common.
  17. They dont have to take them, they have to seperate them. On the other hand if you dont report it you dont have to do anything.
  18. The woman more than likely was scared and lied to the cops. If she willingly got into the same car with the guy I would put my money on it.
  19. The backward facing seat is the original backup assist.. but instead of beeping when you got close to something a kid would just scream "watch out!".
  20. You lost me on that one...
  21. I will never own a flex. I hate the boxy look.
  22. That station wagon looks like something Alex would put a turbo on and use to call out import tuners
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