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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. It's a want not a need so if I can't get low rates I'll pass.
  2. 1. They were there for a reason 2. Stop grouping all law enforcement professionals together when a mistake is made. 3. That could be worst SWAT unit ever if they shot 71 times and the guy was still breathing 4. I agree that the real truth may never be known 5. Serving this country doesn't mean you couldn't be involved in criminal activity 6. A lawyer's going to have a media field day with this 7. I bet she buys a Mercedes instead of a Porsche
  3. So I was watching Bambi the other day with my daughter. Here I think its a nice kid flick but right in the very beginning of the movie the mom was murdered. With all the talking animals you would think one would have called the cops to report a shooting or call 911.. nope, murdered. Murdered by a gun and no police were ever called. Now you have this kid growing up with no parent because she was murdered and all because some guy with a gun wanted to murder the mom of this innocent kid. Kid movie my ass! Note: No fictional characters were murdered in the making of this post.
  4. Ignore him, he's just mad that I didnt invite him to our undead country club.
  5. Welcome.. do you by chance have a gym membership to a fitness place in Dublin and work out at nights in really tight clothes with excessive amounts of sweat running down your back and glistening off of your arms and face while smelling of man musk?
  6. You're Welcome, :thumbup: Killjoy
  7. As a zombie I would be ultra badass in bulletproof armor.
  8. For you and your line of work I highly recommend it. I tested one out for a few weeks and its a nice phone. Only negative is the bloatware. Outside of that its a really cool spin on the Android operating system. I give it an 8 out of 10. P.s... Going commando is outlined in the contract.
  9. Scott, Austin, Joe, and I have decided to enlist with the zombies. You guys are so done for...
  10. I thought about doing that but it has to be on a car from a dealership.
  11. Thanks guys, I'll give them a call. Worst case scenario they approved me fro $25k to use at a dealer. I just wanted to have that option if the car tests out well. I know how I am and I want somethiong I can pay off in a year.. not 3.
  12. 4.. my 9 year old came to my room last night at midnight and asked for fruit snacks. Damn kids
  13. V8 Beast

    Ben Gay

    This is Anthony's kitchen. Hal is wearing an apron and asking him if he wants pickles on the side....
  14. I called my bank this morning to see about buying the aviator from Chris. They told me they could help but it had to be a car from a dealer and it had to have under 75k miles. I figured that was just them so I went to 3 other sources and was told basically the same thing. I know they are in fear of people not paying on a car because it gets old. Other than dipping into my kids college fund is there a lender that you know of that wont tell me the car has to be a 2005 with 75k miles or less? I have been looking for a car for about a year now (and even though I havnt test drove it yet) its as close to want I want, in the price range I want, of anything I have seen.
  15. I'm surfing craiglist as we speak
  16. I'm starting to notice that every other month I'm reading articles about the end of the world. The lastest one being this Saturday. People are actually selling all of their belongings and everything :fa:
  17. I'll be calling my bank in the morning!
  18. A good driver, sticky track, and good weather can do wonders. So can a tailwind bwahahahahahahah! p.s my next fun car will be a mustang
  19. Back on topic Acura is cool. I have been there a few times in my persuit to find a car for my wife... aka the never ending story
  20. I never asked. She got pregnant and her dad grabbed a gun.
  21. Seriously.. I am getting sick and fucking tired of seeing your want to be funny ass popping up in every thread. If you want to start shit go to the kitchen. The entire site is not an amusement park for trolls to post up bullshit and cause issues. You are 2 seconds away from being sent back into the oven. If you want to be forced to earn rep to get back in keep ignoring what everyone is saying to you... Politically correct admin response I know you want to gain acceptance into our tight knit group. I also understand that this can be a hard and difficult journey. I urge you to chose who you follow very carefully. Being overly eager to have your voice heard could cause unwanted results. Please use the appropriate sections to voice your dislike of someone. Causing altercations in the wrong section on a continuous basis could lead to your dismissal from the website. Thank you for understanding and have a wonderful day.
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