What I am trying to say is being a car enthusiast is not defined by what you want it to be. Its defined by a person being into cars for many different reasons. Rather it be a ricer putting stickers on his car or a guy collecting monster trucks, they are are enthusiasts in their own way. Just because you personally dont like it doesn't make then any less of a car collector. Think about Jones, he talks about how great of an interior he has while Matt talks about the width of his slicks. Jones get shit all the time for it but Matt doesn't because we are the racing side of the group. Cars branch out far past our little group and opinions of what a collector should act like or know. Rappers tend to collect cars for different reasons than us here so it makes them stupid. Its not that its stupid, its just different.
Not just rappers, rich people in general throw their money away.. some just have more fun with it than others. Jay Z has or had a multimillion dollar maybach in his possession, a rolls royce, and many many other cars. I would expect this because having money means you have the option to have fun with it. Some prefer 30' rims, some prefer turbos... its all part of being into cars.