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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Legalize prostitution! Ho's need a good dental plan too!
  2. Looking over my past posts to see if I like you or not.
  3. Not Brian should be part of the funny photo shop racer troll man guy dude clan
  4. I made honorable troll/racer guy man dude
  5. V8 Beast


    She would flood it. Must get different car.
  6. If he's doing it right we'll have to have a troll memorial in about a month
  7. I has deleted the undeleted I can still see all of my posts.. its like a total mind explosion over here
  8. There are days I want to go back to trollling but its too much work. Coming up with fresh material a few times a week. Controlling yourself to avoid the ban hammer. Bluemach is an example of what not to do, the rest are pretty good at it. He one low ball away from registering under a different name and being forced to live in the shadows.
  9. V8 Beast


    Fail is FAIL!!!!!! Back to auto trader
  10. He has better abs than 90% of this site, can flip a car in a single bound, and does pilates with super models... you cant beat him in an ebattle. Just be glad I saved you when I did When he's back in a week he will start another thread. Get him them. The worst part is I was really going to talk to him about the car. I wouldnt pay 6k but I was willing to pay more than 4.5k...
  11. I gave him a day for every butt hurt post I had to delete from the corral. 7 day ban.... only in America
  12. V8 Beast


    200hp in a 3600 pound car with no torque.... Yeah thats not good Ls1 swap
  13. Damn, I was just about to buy it too.
  14. V8 Beast


    I found one with 40k miles for 6k.
  15. V8 Beast


    She drives the stratus
  16. V8 Beast


    She needs the car to get the groceries to do the work in the kitchen
  17. V8 Beast


    Fun daily for the wife?
  18. Unions are corporations/businesses. A corporations main goal is to be profitable. The problem with unions are that people are dropping them left and right so they have to make sure they are supporting themselves as companies. Having the best interest of the people you support takes a back seat to making sure they will still be a company tomorrow. Its not that they are bad, its that they are in a very difficult position and are slowly fading away. Its a dog eat dog world.
  19. You wouldnt exist if your mom charged less for swallowing
  20. No, Admins can ban me so I plead the fizzzif
  21. Mods still race (even Night Hawk). We start stuff for no reason and have PHDs in everything that is internet. Most were nerds growing up and abuse power here in order to make themselves feel like men just before their wives put their nuts in a vice and makes them clean the bathroom. . Trolls will be trolls. They are basically like a really bad case of mouth herpes that just wont go away. Cool guys will roll race each other every Friday and have relations with dirty skanks. What they dont tell you is that when they tag team these girls they look deep into each others eyes as a sign of everlasting enchanted love that starts with 3 honks and ends with jizz on a skanks back. Quiet people are the smart ones that are only here because everyone likes to watch a good train wreck.
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