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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Marijauna is one thing, giving people crystal meth at your local walgreens is entirely different.
  2. http://citizenchris.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/07/16/no.jpg
  3. What did you say???? http://www.daegansmith.com/crackhead1.gif I hope you are high.. you just said you want to legalize crack.
  4. I had my droid x for 3 weeks before I got used to it. Having a keyboard is just one more part of the phone that can break I ended up selling the x and keeping the droid 1 for other reasons but Im not dead set on a keyboard anymore.
  5. People always take things one step further. If you legalize marijana people will lace their product and make it "better" than whats on the store shelves. The big dealers shipping in millions of product will just change whats being shipped in. The only benefit would be to tax it.. but then the government would blow the money on stupid shit so it really doesnt make a difference anyway.
  6. BTW, are insanely long posts a side effect of marijuana?
  7. FYI, if you legalize it drug dealers will sell something else. They wont just retire and get a job because they cant sell weed.
  8. http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/01/26/2035806/florida-ag-bans-drugs-labeled.html Another girl tried to cut off her grandmother's head with a machete
  9. If I didnt already have a 90 I would be all over it. Thats a great price guys! Pick it up already! If he puts it on LS1tech it will be gone in minutes.
  10. I felt the same way until I realized the on screen keyboard in ladscape has bigger keys than most keyboards.
  11. Ok, I'm lost now.. Did she go out to give birth, or go out for a difficult pregnancy?????
  12. You really dont have to defend them. Its always harder when you are on the outside looking in. Bills are not that cut and dry.. people are not calculating in the cost of gas to get the work. cleaning supplies, preenatal care like you said, etc... etc... etc. Even when you cut off things like cable and cell phones you still need to catch them up if not pay cancellation fees. I know it took me 3 months to pay off the things I closed. Living off of 30k is possible but its hard transitioning when you are used to living off of more. My mom only made about 35k and had to feed 6 people with it. Being at that point and getting to that point are two diffeent things. You cant just lose an income and rebound overnight people.
  13. She didnt get unemployment, My salary was the only one coming in for just under 5 months. Hardest 5 months of our lives. Almost lost the house and my car was up for sale on this site. I now have enough in savings to get us through 8 months and will never touch it until I absolutely need it.
  14. Do not do the green!! I was about to clean it up but I dont want to be blamed if you pick it.. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/dover1.jpg Pearl white the whole bike gets my vote. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_IP2BRhYArlM/Sv7DBUFN7iI/AAAAAAAAAcc/P3nPwyQtBZg/s400/2009-Suzuki-Hayabusa-Custom-white.jpeg
  15. Unemployment is almost impossible. I attend hearings and represent my employer all the time. Most companies do their best to keep you from it. In response to LJ's story... If you make 30k a year and lose your job then a lifestyle change is in order with the way the government is now. When my wife was let go from her managerial job at a dental office we lost $35k in income. At the time I made $32.5 a year so I understand exactly what they went through. We sold a car, made arrangements with the mortgage company, deleted all unneeded expenses, and roughed it for 4 months before she found another job. Then she got let go from the next job 8 months later for economic reasons... again. If I lose income for any reason its my job to get back on my feet. Its my job to plan ahead, and my job to have savings for a rainy day. I learned this the hard way and the entire time I never once thought to apply for handouts. A proper working system would be there for people to help them in situations like this for a very limited time. If I didnt have that car to sell I would have been sol. Stop paying the bums and start paying the hard workers that will more than likely get back on their feet. Lazy asses, eating steak, in front of their flat screen tv, in a section 8 home in the suburbs, working 12 hours a week really pisses me off...
  16. Wow, guys asses usually aren't that cute....
  17. I decided to just get this. http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/763/products_id/58560 After all the reading about building one I would save $250 and the parts wouldnt be as good.
  18. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    There is no other way!
  19. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    LOL! You know for a fact you occasionally "lawyer" the hell out of people with the broken quotes I've seen you win arguments (when even you knew you were wrong) doing that. For the record I know that you normally do not do that. You pick a line but speak to the entire thought in your reply. But when you do pick it apart its a thing of beauty. /kiss and make up
  20. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    How in the sam hill did I get sucked into this!?!? Forget Pete!!!! He's exercising his right as an American to be a cry-baby drama queen. Something that cant be taken away from us no matter where we are!!! I'm going to go play call of duty with my hat on and use vulgar language in front of a bunch of 10 year old kids that spawn camp me and are technically too young to be playing the game any damn way as it rated mature!!!! Its my right as an Emo.. I mean American citizen!!.
  21. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    Do me a huge favor. If you are going to pick apart the post do so in complete thoughts. Thats what paragraphs are for. I usually dont say anything about it when people do it, but when you debate lines rather than thoughts you miss many points. Tim does this a lot, but I dont debate with him so I ignore it. The line about justifying tradition was tied to 3 other sentences. The judge does not have to justify himself to Pete because he has certain powers being in charge of the courtroom. Now if the president asks, he would have to justify himself at that point. The same way my wife doesnt have to justify asking someone to leave my house as she lives here... but if I am home she may have to justify it to me, or the police may ask me as the owner of the house. Pete definitely thought it was a public place in which he had rights to wear a hat. Pete should have realized that once he walked into a building owned by another the word public went out the window. I got one for you... What if he is pulled over by a cop, and is asked to remove his hat in his own car? Yes its for the cops safety but does he have to listen or does he have a choice?
  22. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    We can challenge the reason, but honestly nothing can really be done about it due to the tradition. Like you said he could use drugs, guns, etc as reasoning behind it if questioned. If the judge says wear a tie or get out that's really up to the judge. No reasoning has to be given for the request. Tradition doesnt have to be explained, and there is no need to justify it. If he was asking them to strip then he could say no... Taking off a hat is a request a judge can make. If the person wants to express their right to wear a hat it must be done in a place where they have enough power to do so. If they were in my house I have the power to have them removed (legally). The cop isn't going to tell me he has to stay in my house. They are going to escort him out. The only right they have is to take legal action of their own if they feel they were wrongly treated or singled out. However, even this is done after leaving or taking off the hat. There doesn't need to be a law, rule, or forewarning. All the owner of the hat needs is one request to remove it. At that point its take it off or get out. If you really want to wear it go outside or to your own home and wear it until your hearts content. If the judge is found to be inconsistent in asking people to remove hats the guy has a case. Its just not something you argue with a judge about on the spot. You can be found in contempt for chewing gum if the judge really wants to take it that far. You fight it in a way that doesn't have you sitting behind bars. Use a higher power to put someone of a higher power than you in their place.
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