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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. When I removed all the wires that removed the outside keypad and indoor button, and the door sensors. That was when I knew I had found the problem but it still went up later on. I thought is was the neighbors too. I read online this wouldnt cause the need to power cycle it for the hard wired button to work. I reset it anyway and it happened the next week while I was in bed (3am ftl). Looks like its time for a new unit Based on what Im hearing the circuit board probably messed up due to a thunderstorm or moisture or something. Thanks guys.. Just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing anything. Im just going to replace the entire thing, door and all. I tried to be smart and manually lock it. The opener kept pulling until it bent the garage door. Considering its suppose to stop when resisted I know something wierd is happening.
  2. here is a small piece of it... you hurt meeeee feelings Its more of a matte than flat. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_11151.jpg edit.. oops I saved it like this so I dont have the pic anymore. If I have time I'll try to figure out flat white without losing too much detail of the pic.
  3. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    All I can do is shake my head... Now Jones and I = all of CR. At least wait for more than one person to reply to my post Just out of curiosity do you put your elbows on the table when you eat? Chew with your mouth open? Hold the door open for people? Fart in the room with lots of people around? Belch openly in public? Pick your nose and flick the boogers? They are all things that could be considered rude or disrespectful. I was raised to be respectful and I value that very much. I would hope that learning how to be respectful would be something that many people would value... too bad its not the case. Comparing taking off a hat to kicking people in the shin is comical at best.
  4. Waggz, wait and get the thunderbolt.
  5. I just had a white and green one done... saw this, got butt hurt and deleted it.
  6. Lol, couldnt tell with the way the light hit the front wheel.
  7. Do something like this with black wheels http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_1115.jpg Night Hawk inspired...
  8. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    I'll make this nice and easy. People of the jury. Please let us know if think I read it wrong, or if you think I was spot on. Thank you.
  9. http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/724075b3-38dd-430b-bcb7-83ddb6250ac6.jpg
  10. 6 teeth! Bite olive Spit tic-tacs ???? Profit
  11. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    In one post you made up excuses to not be respectful, questioned common courtesy, and gave excuses as to not to value the way you were raised. Our right to complain and justify our disrespect has outweighed our right to do something very simple as a sign of respect. Thanks for validating my post. Have a good day /thread
  12. Nice car!!!! *Place negative bs comment here* I'm keeping this to myself, but if someone quotes it then its not my fault...
  13. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    Before this thread runs its course I want to say for the 1000th time that our country is doomed. I was raised to remove my hat while indoors because it is known to be a sign of disrespect. I was also raised to hold doors, say please, thank you, etc. while carrying myself like a respectable man. A man that can stand on his own two feet rather than being carried around like a kid throwing a tantrum. The person posted the video to show how poorly his friend was treated... I personally would have been embarrassed by my friends actions and would have never thought to record it for future viewing. I guess we are to the point as a country that our right to wear hats is more important than our right to respect our elders.
  14. You-scan. Food goes straight from the herpe ridden cart to a plastic bag.
  15. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    Ding ding ding!!!!! Why in the hell are we debating common sense!!!!!!!
  16. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    What happens if your job has a no hat policy and you refuse to take it off.... Step 1: Management will ask you to remove the hat. Step 2: Remind you that corrective action will take place and you will have to leave if you dont. Step 3: If you refuse to leave or remove the hat management will call security (if available). Step 4: If you refuse to leave or remove the hat security will call the police. Step 5: You get arrested. If you dont take off your hat in court... Step 1: Ask them to remove the hat Step 2: Since the police are already on site you get to go directly to jail, do not pass go.
  17. Checked all the wiring with no luck. There are wires that somehow tell the garage when its all the way down or up. Considering I removed all of the wires but them at one point I was kind of sure it was that. Last time I tried to replace the wires the garage kept trying to pull the door up more even though it was all the way up. I finally got it to stop and thought it was fixed, but then it opened on its own a few weeks later.
  18. V8 Beast


    Pink and almond
  19. I was wondering if anyone has had to deal with this or could point me in the right direction. My garage has some kind of wierd short where it will randomly open by itself. After that happens it has to be unplugged and plugged back in before it will work. I have not been able to pin point it so now I have to unplug my garage everytime I leave so it doesnt go up while Im at work, or sleep. Any ideas what it could be or how to fix it before I replace it? I called a few places but they only wanted to sell me new ones. The worst part is its impossible for me to duplicate. Randomly it will just go up out of the blue. The last time it was a month before it happened again. P.S. The warranty has expired
  20. V8 Beast


    The "Balls Dont Touch 2000" is made from high quality cotton and leather. It gently cups the balls while the dual pocket technology allows you and your partner to be as close as possible without making contact. If you or your friend are still in the closet and want to venture into a new world of sexual wonders the "Balls Dont Touch 2000" is definitely for you!!!! But wait.. you are finally out of the closet! Great for you! But now your "Balls Dont Touch 2000" is no longer of any use... ... WRONG!!!!!! ... Our new patent pending "Window of Opportunity" allows you to feel your man friends hairy (or smooth as eggs) testicle sack against you through a removable window. So when the time is right for you to take the next step, the "Balls Dont Touch 2000" is ready to take that step with you!!! Order yours today!!!
  21. V8 Beast


    ^^ Says the guy massaging his prostate with Phils penis
  22. V8 Beast


    Paul.. you are one to talk! You are probably sitting by your girls fireplace as we speak looking at her avon catalog.
  23. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    Off topic for a second... I had a salvation army down the street from my house growing up. There was a guy there one night we were playing basketball looking for a shirt for court. He couldnt find a dress shirt in his size so he had to go in a shirt, but at least it was a clean one. Its not always about respect. There are many people that are in situations where its buy a polo for court or pay for the cab fair to get there.
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