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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Merry Christmas sir. Its always good to see your kids face light up making all the hard work worth every minute. I was up all night playing santa. Now that I've got a nap in I have quickly turned from Saint Nick into a trash man.... gotta love it.
  2. We went half on two kids and got them a bunch of stuff.
  3. He's an idiot. Now that I think about it it doesnt happen more because it would be too much work.
  4. http://chevyhardcore.com/news/man-arrested-after-posting-195mph-corvette-video-on-youtube/ I'm suprised this doesnt happen more with all the vids I see with license plates and people saying each others names. I wonder what they did to make his dumb ass confess to it...
  5. If its the same honda he ran at trails in 2009 it might (with a few changes). The previous owner ran some crazy times in that thing.
  6. Lemme know. I forgot that I cant activate phones I buy on my business use line. At this point its a $350 wifi gaming system to me lol. Give me a price and I'll negotiate it with you. No on the trade, I have more phones than I can use
  7. Beach house in Marco Island Florida for my birthday/spring break.
  8. The theme to Rocky and Prince When Doves Cry.
  9. Threads ran its course.
  10. There was one play where Dave litterally smacked the blocker in the face and pushed him over. And Steves pancake in slow motion made me cringe.
  11. Good games guys, Ice and Brandon were balling!!!!!! Everyone on the offense contributed this week. The film will be finished uploading in the morning. Its got 12-19-10 in the title. Next week lets put the nail in the casket early so we can have fun. Now we have to figure out what we are going to do with d. We have 4 shut down corners. When Duff broke on that ball in the first half his ass was moving like 10000000mph. I guess Dave and I can stay on the line and Steve, Leigh, Duff, and Marvin can rotate around. Just got done looking at the film... Dave is a beast! That is all.
  12. Search the correct spelling and my name. I've typed it out 100000 times on this site. The fact that one is dominating their man parts I have adopted spelling it with "master" as to show dominance. I will continue to do so for forever, thank you. Edit: Is it weird that when I spell it with a u it feels weird? Its like masterbating is when you beat it hard and show your penis who is boss. On the other hand (no pun intended) masturbate is like getting a girly smelling lotion, lighting candles, and loving yourself to slow music. When my spell check highlights that word I usually click ignore with a slight attitude. I'm the master damn you!
  13. Hey new guy, remember there are a lot of people here with no cars and/or girlfriends. That leaves a lot of time for hating and masterbation.. sometimes at the same time. Expect drift references whenever people disagree with you for the next 37 years. Here is a brief look into your future... You: "I prefer tuna" Them: "You would like tuna fish you drift fag" You: ":wtf:" Have fun, hope to see you around when you can find some free time.
  14. How much seat time do you have behind a 600hp car?
  15. What you are doing is like asking your girl how much sex she's had in the past. No matter what she's going to tell you she was gently driven. However, if she rides you in the bed like a terminator you know someone had to teach her that shit. Just enjoy the ride... Have fun with it then trade it in for a newer model with less miles later on.
  16. Which short guy? Leigh, Steve, and Brandon are all 6'4''+ so they make the rest of us look short Saving that for the blooper reel.
  17. Straight line. Last time I drifted it was to avoid hitting a sign/fence at Norwalk.
  18. In all honestly I'm not a fan of drifting, but you know your stuff. Nice work on the car!
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