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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I personally wouldnt have got the car from a guy in LA, but to each their own.
  2. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0h29zvgLM1r3gb3zo1_250.gif
  3. I dont get paid. Being a small outcast that was bullied my entire life I feed off the power this role gives me.
  4. I think I overclean my guns. After everytime I shoot I heep going until the rags, q tips, nd cleaning pads are free of anything. How often would you guys wipe and go instead of using products that break down lead and stuff? Lets say you shoot 2 times a month and put about 200 bullets through the gun each time. AR15 and mostly plastic Sig 9mm.
  5. I wonder what i make on motor now. Will have to see.
  6. I wonder what i make on motor now. Will have to see.
  7. Quoted for factual truth. Kids if you have learned anything from this thread.. learn to wander
  8. They have called everyday for the last week. "No" does not compute, and Im too lazy to sue for not complying with my do not call request. Now I get to :gabe:
  9. Me: Hello Telemarketer: Can I speak to the person that pays your AEP Bill? Me: I dont think we paid our bill.. my tv wont cut on. Telemarketer: Oh, may I speak with the person that is suppose to pay it Me: Sure, when did you want to talk to her? Telemarketer: Now, if possible Me: Sorry, cant do now... shes giving me a blow job Telemarketer: Awkward silence Me: Shes almost done if you want to hold. Telemarketer: More silence Me: Are you staying online until I climax... thats hot Telemarketer: I'll try back at a later time Me: You do that
  10. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/074/256/1285770302993.jpg
  11. You dont want any of mah LOL mobile!
  12. All men should have a reversible vasectomy done at puberty. This way we dont fuck up our own lives when our crazy ex girlfriends poke holes in the rubbers during a night of drunken sex. But dont get me wrong... trick love da kids
  13. Works for me. Hows Monday sound? Today is wifeys birthday so Im planning something special.
  14. Scott will you please help me determine if I need to have my transmission checked. I can give you cash or a brazillian ball wax.. your choice
  15. Yup, been there 3 times already. The last one the drum was warped with a bunch of teeth missing
  16. Im thinking worthless welfare moms. The less babies they have to feed the more money the guberment saves.
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