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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I think it might be time to send my transmission back to Rossler for a refresh. I've noticed a slight delay when going into third gear. Who is able to check my shift points to help me determine this?
  2. I did. The kicker is I was full on commando when it happened and in sweat pants. I'm certain the components that made up the gaseous cloud of greatness penetrated the single cotton barrier and implanted directly into your seat. You are welcome
  3. BTW.. The MR T and Chuck Norris avatar is symbolic of the culture I am combined with the culture of the make believe character that I have grown to love.
  4. I think you are right.. am I talking to myself right now?
  5. Have you ever noticed I ban everyone but Gabe... Is Gabe even real? Is my middle name Gabriel?
  6. No, but Hal gave me the idea for it.
  7. I have an alternate name that I've been using for over two years. Im so good I made another alternate and used the older alternate to out it. You guys have invited it out... Sent pm's to it.. Sold things to it... had all out fights with it.. you even have pictures of the guy from his facebook account. Funny to know one of your frequent members doesnt exit. I only log into to it from netbook/tablet so you will never guess who it is.
  8. :fuckyeah: Thats awesome!
  9. This, make it fun. Sounds like a plan!
  10. Abnormal muscle forming from various forms of strenuous masturbation. Or fluid on the elbow...
  11. V8 Beast

    Fuck you all

    Wonderboy WTF?
  12. Been with chase for 16 years. I still call them Bank One from time to time.. Only 1 hiccup in that time and they made up for it later on. Online features are great. Only part I dont like is their window for deposits is late at night for me. Been with Kemba for 3 years. Very personable, good auto rates, 0 issues. Customer service has been great for me.
  13. A bunch of guys talking about birth control. (Picks up briefcase and walks to the door mumbling something about CR being better)
  14. He told me about you coming out in full blown rambo attire for target practice
  15. I was thinking it would be nice to meet up somewhere that we could shoot and see/use each others guns. Now that I'm over a few years removed from noob status with plenty of range time hopefully people would feel safe shooting around me lol... that's the only reason I never tried to set it up before.
  16. To a place with double rainbows and unicorn penetration
  17. Columbus racing will be better by weeks end. Stay tuned sports fans
  18. V8 Beast

    Fuck you all

    If I don't ban Hal I can't keep bringing him back for the entertainment value of threads like this. I've been on CR more in the last day than I have in the last week.... everything went better than expected
  19. That was a fucked up way to find out I'm allergic to peanuts
  20. Koolrayz doesnt always give rep... but when he does people post about it
  21. V8 Beast

    Fuck you all

    Thread 6: U mad bruh? Thread 7: Yeah, u mad
  22. V8 Beast

    Fuck you all

    Your level of intellect makes the average man laugh like he understands just before Googling definitions. I appreciate your presence and the creativity you possess. *Place man hug here*
  23. V8 Beast


    I see the texts.. I know he's winning
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