Thats the difference between having 11 and having 6. Plus without knowing the deal with sponsors Im going by worst case scenarios. With Roosters covering 300 and Pattersons help it would be like 65 for 6 people $40 for 10. Take out Roosters and its about 125 for 6.
Thats why I havnt registeted the team yet.
Need conformation from
Duff... Pretty sure hes in but not 100% sure
Last week was the most we had out at once and that was 6 people. 9 at 10am will be a stretch.
So.. About registering since we kinda havnt yet. Can I trust that we will have a team? Even if its just 6 people paying $125 a peice.. Just let us know. Time is running out pretty fast guys.
You and Phil acting like Revis and Randy Moss.
We need to meet this weekend sometime to collect registration and set things up. The amount of people will determine the cost. If you are busy this weekend we can find a time to meet up or use paypal. #3 whats the final word on Roosters?
So how far do you go if a girl attacks you? Gun, baseball bat, grenades?
Edit: I'm joking btw, the way someone defends themself is up to them. If someone doesnt want to be hit with a weapon they shouldnt attack someone in the first place.
It was on spray and I didnt have to steer hardly at all on that pass. I looked at the vid and dont really see it. I set the controller to ramp up smoothly over 2 seconds since I had traction problems. Usually I ramp it up much faster and spray off the line. After babying the mess out of it I was happy to see that 10.8.. too bad they shut me down after that. I do need to get on a dyno and get my shift points tweeked. Havent had that done in years.
Edit... I do see it. Thats not the car moving its the ground/camera angle making it look that way.
I forgot to add that I would rather be alive and have to deal with the court than under-estimate someone and be dead. My personal go to defense mechanism is attacked to my wrists, everyone is different. In this guys case who knows what happened behind that counter. If he had good reason the beat the girls then I hope the courts show him mercy.
Thanks guys. Yeah, that was the guy that told me after my 100th 10 second pass at trails that I had to slow it down.
Fun times lol. I thought I turned it off
By the legal definition it was deadly force. He acted with the amount of force that caused a serious injury. People dont have to die or be on the offense to call it deadly force. I also know from a little venture into the area in the past that the level of deadly force a person is allowed to use is different than what a police officer can do. If a citizen has any possible way to avoid the confrontation or remove themself they must chose that route (outside of protecting your home). Now the question falls into was he protecting his place of employment (home away from home) or being an agressor to subdued hoodrats. The scenario you mentioned was what if the girl had a gun. You can approach it this way.. but many people that shot people "just in case" are sitting behind bars.
We can play it from both sides (which is actually fun).. but Im still hung up on him running from girls. Maybe they live in his neighborhood and hes seen them stab a few guys or something.
Maybe Im not the one to argue this point because I grew up defending myself with my own hands. It has nothing to do with pride as much as it does knowing how to use something you will always have available to you.
Can you seriously say if a girl is being agressive to you the first thing you think of is to grab a weapon?
A good coaching staff sets the expectation for their players during practice not in pregame warm ups. When you have a 100 yard rusher from the previous week go from a starter to 3rd string on game day you open yourself up to stuff like this as a program. This coaching staff is horrible.