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Everything posted by GTO1

  1. I need to check with a few more cars...I'll get back to you. The track is teching...but they said it will be very liberal. ...and they won't be shuting guys down for running to fast.
  2. I could always give it to the top MPH NA GTO.
  3. Thanks. Sure go ahead and pass out the cards. ...already know one of the twin turbos will be claiming to mph.
  4. PMed you. A car dropped out so I do have a spot.
  5. DarkFormula, Buck531 you both can have a spot. The entry fee is $40 You can paypal my account: RussMotz@adelphia.net ...make sure you put your forum name either on the subject line or in the comments . Sam, no spectator fees...come on up.
  6. The gates will open 1/2 hr prior to racing. So 8:30 At the gate you will need to sign the standard liability waiver. You also will receive a tech card. So yes your car must be teched. They are only looking for obvious safety problems. You also MUST have a helmet if you run 13.99 or faster. You are allowed to park anywhere in the pit area. Teching: The tech station is located outside the guard rail by staging lane 14. There is a aluminum box there. I will be assigning numbers to the cars at that location and verifying that you are fully paid. A Quaker City worker will exchange your tech card for a run car that will allow you into the staging lanes. It is our responsibility to provide workers to run the staging lanes, the water box and the ET shack. (which is at the end of the track). If we do not have these positions manned at all times nobody can run. ...meaning I will need volunteers all day long to hang out at those locations. In case of a rain out we will be rescheduling. The track uses Weather Underground to moniter the weather. If it is sprinkling early Sunday morning but thing look like they will clear and that the track will dry, they will move the start time back and we will still have 6 hours of racing.
  7. Well we fixed that. LOL good luck Friday.
  8. I'm assuming you got the 3.91s ... you could see a .3 - .5 increase there alone and you'll need the DRs to get that. This weeks cooler air should get everyone some good times if Trails is prepped well. I just had 3.73s installed but had to drop out of the CR rental because my car won't be ready. Meziere pump failed on me. But I'll find out soo enough on the 18th at the BuckeyeGoats rental how they've improved my 60 ft. Sorry to miss you this time...good luck.
  9. Welcome. I'm also running at Pinks All Out.
  10. GTO1

    Obama Tax Return

    The "Change" hype is just too hollow when you look at his record. When you look at his blasting of Billarys voting record it's always on issues that were voted on before he was in Congress so it's really easy for him to say he was against what she voted for and for what is now popular opinion. Very nice Monday morning quarterbacking. LOL If you start to examine something where he could have taken some initiatives he's done nothing ... just like every other politician. Take Afghanistan for instance. Obama has been the chairman of the subcommittee in charge of dealing with NATO and Afghanistan since early 2007. He has not held one single hearing to look into US involvement there and how to get our troops out by making NATO share the load yet he's got this "plan" to solve Iraq. ...don't you believe it!
  11. Depends on the car and what has to be done. Let's just say I'm well over 20K but that's not just engine, it also includes brakes, drivetrain and suspension. Performance parts for cars like the GTO with limited runs cost out the ass compared to parts for mass produced ones. ...and try adding shipping costs from OZ to everything you want to buy.
  12. LS2 are going for less then that. Decent 04's can easily be found in the 17-18 range. ...but auction prices have been starting to rise I've been told.
  13. GTO1

    hey guys

    Welcome. Very unique hood you got there.
  14. Couldn't help the location, Norwalk didn't have it's schedule for rental available and raised it's prices. ....but we are currently talking with National Trails for a fall rental so that will be a lot closer for you.
  15. Well if you got yours hooking maybe he would't be. LOL
  16. LOL ok so I'm blind. I'm not sure what links people can't see...the ls1gto members couldn't see the links we had posted about George.
  17. Jason, some people havn't been able to access our links so here's George's post. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y26/GTO1/bowling.jpg
  18. We are now 2/3s full...25 cars to go then we can start raising some money.
  19. http://UltimateGTO.com/carshows/gtoaa06/04jk018_1.jpg http://UltimateGTO.com/carshows/gtoaa06/04jk018_2.jpg
  20. Almost half full in less then a week. I'm considering on holding the price at $40 once I reach 75 cars and donating all entry fees above that to the fund CR has set up for Michelle and the girls. I posted that on BuckeyeGoats and got a pretty good response to do that. We did have 100 cars last year and that would raise $1000. ...now I got to get there.
  21. Anyone that wants a spot just post up that your in and you'll be sending the depost shortly and I'll add you to the list now. I don't have the contract from the Quaker City yet so I'm not sure what date they need the money to reserve the track...so I have a little time to collect deposits.
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