Not a PB but set a new best time for Trails with a 11.757 @ 116.10 with a 1.683 All 8 of my runs were in the 11s today and I consistently got 1.68x 60s so it was a pretty good day for me.....October 31 at D42 I'll get that new PB.
I think he created a second account over there to get around the restricted status. He "scattered" was talking shit to me in a thread so I looked to see what other posts he had made and I found this:
2001ws6-500hp = scattered
scattered joined on 9/7 and inserted this link in one of this posts
" "
The post:
Who here said they were a moderator over there? They need to look at the IP and MAC address of this new guy.
He also has now posted that he blew his motor. How convenient. Guess I won't be witnessing his 11 sec runs at D42 this fall ... now he says he's building a mid 10 sec motor. lol
Don't really know what to say about all this. Maybe he'll do better on ClevelandRacing.
Oh...and obviously most of you have never been to Canton ... that would explain a lot.
Pontiacs Only!
As part of the GTOAA/POCI national show this week and weekend at Wright State in Dayton, there is a .... pay at the gate .... drag race at Kil-Kare that is open to all Pontiacs with a $1000 prize for the quickest Pontiac and up to $10,000 in bracket race prizes.
These enty amounts may not be final, they are only on the second link I added below.
Money Bracket: $50
Trophy Bracket: $30
Test & Tune: $20
Gates open at 7:00 AM Racing Starts at 9:00 AM
Details here:
My best run today was 11.94, The intake has put the car into the 11s regardless of DA. Last year at todays IAT temperatures I would have been a good 2 tenths slower. This intake drops the IAT temp like a rock during a run. Can't wait until fall. Also dropped the MAF and am running a speed density tune now. Thats the only changes since last year. Gained 14.4 rwhp from the intake too.:nod:
Being that he was only year younger then me, I grew up with him, and remember his up and downs. So for what it's worth, as talented as he was, he was equally mentally damaged by his fame and childhood abuse. In the end his is a sad story.
So is it time for the weather watch yet?
Well I've been waching and the forcast has been all over the place the last 3 days. 84 degrees and only a 20% chance of rain as of now ... so not too bad.
I was parked across from you guys on Friday . I was glad to see that you were there and even more to see see what you were running. It was a pleasure. ...oh and I didn't have to turn my car off and just missed out on the 12 second index with a 11.994666667 damn it. lol
Don't have to be boosted...I'm NA and I'll be going with a new OTRCAI and speed density tune in a few week. It's pretty much a standard tune down in Oz for the LSx engine.