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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. If 9 people make $100 and 1 makes $10,000, when you tax them it looks like this: $100 @ 30% = $30 $10,000 @ 30% = $3,000 So, the taxes go to pay for what? Should the 1 guy who paid the most get more since he paid more? Should we have a special lane on the Interstates for those few people that pay the most taxes so that their benefit from paying more is equivalent to those that pay less? Or is it ok to take more from one guy so that the 9 others can have more benefit? Even though the 9 guys work for the 1, is he entitled to provided more of his money so they can gain more by it? Is it his fault that the 9 are ignorant and can't find their own 9 guys to work for them? Is it his fault he provides a product or service to the other 9 and therefore should receive less benefit than the others? Look at the real numbers of how many receipts the gooberment makes. Look at how much $$$ they bring in every year and how much they have going out. The majority support the extravagance of the few. All benefit but not equally. Those who make more benefit less.
  2. You don't find it funny cuz ur a mommas boy too, you little faggot.
  3. Nothing. Just some mommas boy getting pwned. Not much to see...unless you're into that Michael Jackson shit.
  4. HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Someone left me neg rep for throwing down with Hal in his thread: "stupid d-bag" What a dumb fuck! I hope you lose a thumb while mowing the grass so you can't properly grasp your dick while your jacking off to CR.
  5. Yes, but the pics are very small.
  6. Looked like the second kid about snapped his neck, lol!
  7. What would you expect the police to do? It's a civil matter. You have to take the guy to court and get a judgment against him and then file it at the courthouse. Then you can have the Sheriff try to collect, but not before?
  8. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27234386
  9. I voted on Saturday. I voted Republican across the board unless there was a woman on the ballot, then I voted for the female. I voted no to all the bond issues. There's 3 pages of shit to vote for.
  10. That's becasue he's the Messiah! You didn't know?
  11. You are only using facts from other papers, not the author's conclusions. If those facts cannot be proven with evidence, it's not scientific, just conjecture. If they can be proven, they weren't original thoughts. So, get your own, mommas boy.
  12. I have to go find my Slayer CD now so that I'll feel less like a sucker and can work out some aggression.
  13. I like your research methods and trickery, but you're still a mommas boy.
  14. No, you don't. But I wouldn't expect a 21yo to know this. When you get to the graduate level, you come up with your own idea and then prove it by creating studies to figure out if your idea is viable. But, you haven't gotten that smart yet.
  15. I am fucking going to break a rib or something laughing so hard. Oh, the irony! You have the "Unicorn Ninja" calling "Roush" a faggot. That's classic. I think I hear your momz calling Hal. She wants her pants back.
  16. Please, keep going. I'm all tears over here! First, you have to have an original thought. Then I would "best" it.
  17. I guess mommas boy did get his feewings hurt. Poor baby. Use it to wipe your ass. That's all it's good for, considering the source. That's what you do in college, right? I call your moms. Do rolling papers count? Quoting a paper doesn't make you smart. It makes you an idiot that can recall information you read. Puff, puff, pass.
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